Get rid of snow?
Yes, I suck at snowball fights, no snow plx
Amara, basilver, Bloody, Flossy, Jasper, Snapplewee, Zeena
7 13.73%
No, I love the cold feeling my ass gets when I sit on a cold floor
Cloudy-Chan, FaithStar, FOOD!!!, Former-GM-Law, FrozenMind, GM-Pandora, gorgetrapper, Keele Zeibel, Rachelle620, Sariel, Sekaru, spector, The Many Kira's, Yetipunk
14 27.45%
I love pizza/pie/pancakes
AllusiveMaid, areakryte, azurerogue, Cactus Needle, Culex, danny-kins, Darzinth, Eldakar, Fox Knight, Frogboy, Fruityla, Goop2, Iduncare, Kadar, LordEros, Loveless, Lysander, Merc-, Motenai_Ronin, ShadesOfBlue, snakeeyes321, Snejk, Spire, Sylmeria, teOx, The Legendary Joe, Ultima_Pi, Wired, ~LSANotes, 1 Guest
30 58.82%
Total: 51 vote(s) 100%