Do you want some of the items to interrupt cast and take precedence?
Yes! 20.00%
Flare, gianluca280395, kysp, Story Teller, Vhaerun
5 20.00%
I don't know. 12.00%
Carl Brutananadilewski, Story Teller, The Legendary Joe
3 12.00%
No, please leave it as is. 48.00%
Adrillf, Arcanju, GM-Rahice, JoryJoe, Menace651, Mupfelsan, Nickkiller6, Story Teller, The Legendary Joe, w@isAn, whitedraw, Zeroxas
12 48.00%
I don't know what all these words mean... 20.00%
Bakorzero, GM-Garr, loveapples, Story Teller, Vhaerun
5 20.00%
Total: 25 votes 100%