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Friends / Word of Mouth 30.43%
danny-kins, Innvazor, Keegan, Kiwis, Kiyoshi, Manifus, Nhya, nkdg, Peeka~, Ponpon, Syl, The Roger, Ultima_Pi, Valerie12345
14 30.43%
RMS Server Listing / Reviews 39.13%
Aaronock, azurerogue, Bloodbane, Bonesy, emirusan07, Emrym, GM-Ayu, GM-Rahice, hongphooey, kysp, mahawirasd, Namine, Nhya, Papi, proto, Shinnzero, Spire, Viridithon
18 39.13%
RMS Ads 13.04%
emirusan07, Emrym, gianluca280395, GM-Rahice, Millia, Summerstream
6 13.04%
RMS Forums 4.35%
Bakorzero, Nekoruchii
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Top Sites (Top 100, Top 200, etc) 6.52%
danny-kins, emirusan07, kysp
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Other (Please specify) 6.52%
Mister Midnight, Wyatt, Xeane
3 6.52%
Total: 46 votes 100%