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Yay for Faulty BOIS updates - Printable Version

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Yay for Faulty BOIS updates - Kaede - 03-21-2006

Ya ... I was having BIOS problems ... so as usual (Sunday night) I do a BIOS update and ... boo right in the middle of it ... BLANK SCREEN ... Icon_cry ... so ya I'm without a PC for a while unless I can recover this BIOS (I'll try later tonight) .... so see you guys ... someday ... Icon_razz

RE: Yay for Faulty BOIS updates - GM-Boomy - 03-21-2006

aaawww Icon_sad good luck!

RE: Yay for Faulty BOIS updates - Sodo - 03-21-2006

I hate bios updates, so confusing... I always end up calling my IT cousin for help. XD

RE: Yay for Faulty BOIS updates - Fionit - 03-22-2006

er what are BIOS update O.o?

RE: Yay for Faulty BOIS updates - Sodo - 03-22-2006

When you first turn on your computer, it shows a black screen (usually) and it has system specs and stuff on it. That's your bios.

RE: Yay for Faulty BOIS updates - Tenshi - 03-22-2006

Basic Input Output System
Where your computer loads information about your computer from a read-only memory (ROM) from the BIOS chip on the Mother Board. Generally getting your rapid access memory (RAM) installed, keyboard, hard disk drives (HDD), optical drives (CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-ROM, etc...), and floppy drives installed.
Usually BIOS upgrades are pretty straight forward.
But yeah if you screw it up your computer might not boot...
Which sucks arse

RE: Yay for Faulty BOIS updates - Lars - 03-22-2006

And they mght never boot again unless you can forcibily input your bios in your eeprom with a rom burner

RE: Yay for Faulty BOIS updates - Sodo - 03-22-2006

Which I might add, is definately not fun. >=[

RE: Yay for Faulty BOIS updates - Lars - 03-22-2006

Pray for me....Im updating my bios as well!!

EDIT: all working fine!

RE: Yay for Faulty BOIS updates - Fionit - 03-24-2006

oh i know that...never updated tho O.o is it important? XD