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Curse Words - Printable Version

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Curse Words - The Legendary Joe - 05-09-2010

Just out of curiosity, when I was growing up, "Damn" was not a curse word. I spoke it freely and frequently and??noone really gave a hoot. However here and there when I use it, I get told not to cuss or swear or something to that nature.

This leads me to wonder, do certain swear words??vary by region? Like,??say if I grew up somewhere, it'd be Okay to say "shit" and not have to worry about people there being offended, and having "Ass" be a legit word to use in another place?

Or maybe,??Your place has words that are taboo that are unique from other places?

I feel this would be an interesting topic of conversation, and even more interesting to count the number of times words get filtered out. And also a list of things not to say and where not to say them.

RE: Curse Words - Mort - 05-09-2010

Well, for example "ass" is a synonym for donkey..

RE: Curse Words - Revenant - 05-09-2010

Around here, 'curse words' are relatively commonplace. Nothing of the sort is considered particularly offensive for the most part.

RE: Curse Words - Enobmah - 05-09-2010

I knew some people in my last job (still currently looking for employment) who would say those words and not even be scolded for it. Society has been like that for the few past years, although there are some places such as a big company or other various brand name stores that would not allow us to speak as we please.

Just one of those examples that you can say certain words when feeling upset sometimes or from out of nowhere. x.x

RE: Curse Words - Kari Nogashi - 05-09-2010

there are alot worse things then damn ass and crap that arnt considered bad words. like poon knocker and retard things that carry more offense in the first 4 letters then all of the other swear words ever could becuse all curse words are is an interjection meaning nothing more then an expression of being displeased with something

RE: Curse Words - mahawirasd - 05-10-2010

well i don't know if you're just referring to english and/or the country where you live, but imho where you are definitely affects what words means and in turn affects what are considered curse words and what are not curse words...

damn has many many meanings, so really it's usage and ultimate meaning depends on the tone and context in which it is used. Too bad communication over the internet does not always show tones etc...

semiotics might be hard and too complex to discuss each and every case, but really in the internet we can at least see the context on which a word is used and therefore we can determine if the user was cursing or not Ok


RE: Curse Words - Xonix - 05-17-2010

I use damn/shit/crap on occasion but that's about as much as I can stand to swear. Swear words are amazingly common where I live, though, and I try not to associate to this society too much lest I become a cussword spewing monster. :B

RE: Curse Words - F.x - 05-28-2010

"shit" is okay to say when im on the toilet

RE: Curse Words - Whispers - 05-29-2010

In my opinion, "damn" and "Hell" are an appropriate verb and noun.??When I say "damned dogs" I mean the dogs are behaving in such a manner as to have welcomed the damning of some deity.??"Damned lag," "Damn it to Hell," et cetera follow this idea as well - even if we don't exactly see it or literally mean it.

Hell is a place of suffering and intensities.??When it is hotter than Hell we mean to imply that it is hotter than the hottest part of Hell, and when "colder than Hell" we mean colder than the coldest regions.

What amazes me was put forth by a friend of mine:??we all agree that the F-word is a very bad word, but that stops no one from putting the "F" in our favorite acronyms "wtf," "omfg" and "lmfao."??xD

"wtf" is even in Nara's signature!??For shame!??Icon_mad


RE:??Curse Words - Session - 05-29-2010

Whispers Wrote:In my opinion, "damn" and "Hell" are an appropriate verb and noun.??When I say "damned dogs" I mean the dogs are behaving in such a manner as to have welcomed the damning of some deity.??"Damned lag," "Damn it to Hell," et cetera follow this idea as well - even if we don't exactly see it or literally mean it.

Hell is a place of suffering and intensities.??When it is hotter than Hell we mean to imply that it is hotter than the hottest part of Hell, and when "colder than Hell" we mean colder than the coldest regions.

What amazes me was put forth by a friend of mine:??we all agree that the F-word is a very bad word, but that stops no one from putting the "F" in our favorite acronyms "wtf," "omfg" and "lmfao."??xD

"wtf" is even in Nara's signature!??For shame!??Icon_mad


I lol'd a little.