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Ban on all transactions? - Printable Version

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Ban on all transactions? - Serenity - 11-08-2010

The new rule states "Starting Sunday November 7th, money transactions involving items or accounts will no longer be tolerated be it on the forum or the server." It may sound silly but does that mean you can no longer sell anything in the forum or on the server?

RE: Ban on all transactions? - Ultima_Pi - 11-08-2010

Serenity Wrote:money

I would do the cool echoquote thing, but I'm lazy.

And for clarification, real life money, as in US dollars, euros, rupees, etc.

RE: Ban on all transactions? - Henvar - 11-08-2010

What about Monopoly money?

RE: Ban on all transactions? - Serenity - 11-08-2010

So you can still sell your account for zeny?

RE: Ban on all transactions? - Lin Lin - 11-08-2010

They didn't seem to ban zeny transactions. Just RL cash.

RE: Ban on all transactions? - azurerogue - 11-08-2010

Wikipedia Wrote:Money is any object that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given country or socio-economic context.

So, actually, yes - all transactions are banned. Except the good old barter system.

RE: Ban on all transactions? - Aaronock - 11-08-2010

Quote:Regarding shared accounts
Account sharing is not our responsibility and is not encouraged by the GM team. The GM team will not consider movement of items due to account sharing as an act of stealing. The selling/trading of an account or item counts as a form of sharing account, therefore not supported by GM's.
- Real money transactions involving items or accounts between players will not be tolerated be it on the forum or the server.
- Deals involving zeny and/or item in exchange for GM service are allowed.

Read the whole rule next time please, it states Zeny is FINE.
Though it does not say specifically you can still sell accounts for Zeny at all on the forums, I see a topic that I posted on that had an account for sale for zeny is still up. I imagine this is still seen as okay to do (that or they really somehow missed deleting this one).

RE:??Ban on all transactions? - Ultima_Pi - 11-08-2010

azurerogue Wrote:So, actually, yes - all transactions are banned.??Except the good old barter system.

Grounds for server wipe. Krimlin would be proud of you.

RE:??Ban on all transactions? - azurerogue - 11-08-2010

Aaronock Wrote:*Facepalms
Quote:Regarding shared accounts
Account sharing is not our responsibility and is not encouraged by the GM team. The GM team will not consider movement of items due to account sharing as an act of stealing. The selling/trading of an account or item counts as a form of sharing account, therefore not supported by GM's.
- Real money transactions involving items or accounts between players will not be tolerated be it on the forum or the server.
- Deals involving zeny and/or item in exchange for GM service are allowed.

Read the whole rule next time please, it states Zeny is FINE.
Though it does not say specifically you can still sell accounts for Zeny at all on the forums, I see a topic that I posted on that had an account for sale for zeny is still up.??I imagine this is still seen as okay to do (that or they really somehow missed deleting this one).

Actually YOU read the whole rule next time please.??It states zeny is fine "in exchange for GM service" not anything else.??One sentence, one clause, one unit.??You can't semantically split it up and still retain meaning.

EDIT: Also, I'm obviously being sarcastic - but the letter of the law is the letter of the law. And we love to be specific on heRO (see MVP dissertation rule)?

RE: Ban on all transactions? - Former-GM-Salt - 11-11-2010

Notice the part where it says "Real money", zeny is not considered real money and thus is still fine.