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HeRO's Beauty Pageant - Printable Version

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HeRO's Beauty Pageant - 09Kisame09 - 01-22-2013

I found out that noble-sponsored birthday parties aren't done anymore, but I wanted to host an event on my birthday (2/10) open to the server, so I came up with the idea for this heRO beauty pageant. This pageant will occur on [date pending]. The reason why it's happening later than the 10th is explained later in the thread.

It's nothing really complicated, just something fun for those who wish to attend with the possibility to win zeny prizes. Both males and females are welcome!

The following are procedures that the event shall follow:

Felicity Wrote:Players will dress up in whatever way they find to be aesthetically-pleasing, and will be judged by a panel of 4 people.

The judges shall include Ella, Mariel, Donavan as well as myself. The judges will all be asked to join a single party created by me for competition discussion.

Judges will allocate a score anywhere from .5 to 5.0 to each person for each category being scored. Increments of .5 are the only increments allowed in scoring.

Once all the judges have decided on their score in party chat, the average of the scores will be the final participant's score. Judges will publicly declare their scores so that participants are aware of how they are doing.

The following categories are what will be judged: Prettiest female sprite, cutest male sprite, coolest female sprite, and coolest male sprite and lastly, cutest baby sprite. I'm assuming that with the coolest categories, that you guys will find something awesome to wear that just looks badass, while for pretty/cute, you wear something that you think is cute or pretty.

A participant can only win one category. I decided this to make sure that everybody gets a chance to win and so we won't have the same person winning multiple categories.

Each category's winner will be awarded 4m, and will proceed to the final round of the pageant, of which, the category will be decided by me on the night of the competition.

Participants are expected to be original and not wear something completely identical to another participant

Keep in mind that wearing items such as the Santa suit, summer suit, and the tuxedo by themselves won't get you anywhere, so you have to work a little harder than that when dressing up your character /ok

I hope to see you guys there; let's try to make this event work! Icon_biggrin

RE: HeRO's Beauty Pageant - Jiggy - 01-22-2013

So, it's more of an unofficial event? Sounds like fun!

Will the judges be rating the characters based on personal taste, and is there more than one category for the pageant? While having a group of people in a lot of different outfits just line up to be judged would be perfectly fine, I think maybe having different categories set so that comparing them might be easier would be a decent idea.

Though, doing so would mean changing the prize system, so there'd be that to think about, as well.

RE: HeRO's Beauty Pageant - 09Kisame09 - 01-22-2013

I like that idea. We'll develop categories for it then, but that would mean less prizes if I'm gonna do multiple categories.

RE: HeRO's Beauty Pageant - GM-Rahice - 01-22-2013

Cute idea, I'd like to make a suggestion for your categories. I believe applying Baby classes to their own category would probably help a little bit.. Everyone thinks they're already cute XD

RE: HeRO's Beauty Pageant - 09Kisame09 - 01-23-2013

Alright, I'll add baby classes to it. (I better get to farming zeny...)

RE: HeRO's Beauty Pageant - KaminoKaoru - 01-23-2013

Aww. My schedule won't allow me to participate. Cry

Anyway I like the idea! It makes me happy to see player-hosted events every now and then too. I really hope this will be a successful one. Ok

I hope you guys enjoy and Kisame, I wish you a happy birthday. Icon_biggrin

RE: HeRO's Beauty Pageant - Ella - 01-23-2013

This is going to a be a wonderful and fun event! I hope we get many participants to have a great time and all come together in celebrating Jay's birthday and all the cute, beautiful and creative heRO players! <3

RE: HeRO's Beauty Pageant - shikinoutaoi - 01-23-2013

i will stick on my cat style o.o

RE:??HeRO's Beauty Pageant - 09Kisame09 - 01-23-2013

KaminoKaoru Wrote:I hope you guys enjoy and Kisame, I wish you a happy birthday. Icon_biggrin
Thank you! Icon_biggrin

RE: HeRO's Beauty Pageant - 09Kisame09 - 01-27-2013

A couple friends and my parents want to take me out for my birthday on the planned date for this event, so I will push it back a week because I really want this event to happen Icon_biggrin

New date will be changed in the OP!