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my car exploded - Printable Version

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my car exploded - zanias - 01-10-2008

That's right, it's gone. BOOM, and there there was no car! ;o.o

lol, alright. Seriously though. I've been havin some serious problems with my car lately, and I'm left with 10 dollars in my account, and now I have to pay off a 200 dollar loan.

I noticed that my tire was runnin flat after a four day holiday cuz of the new year. So, like any sane person, I put some air in it. It was flat by the end of the hour, so I decided I would take it to the shop while I was on break. Well, I get to work for the morning, and my oil pan lite goes off. I check my oil, and great, I''m bone dry. So I run down to the shop, and have them fix my tire. I ask the guy to go ahead and do an oil change while the tire was bein repared. I come back later on only to find that the oil has run straight through the engine, and left a huge puddle all over the ground. Turns out the pump pretty much sploded, and needed to be fixed... then the bills came. x.x

So here I am, after quite a headache of a problem with my car, and waiting on my next pay check so I can pay some more bills, and get some gas... lol.

I gueess the moral of this story is... life comes at you fast. Just plan ahead a little and try to budget out a little extra cash for a rainy day, and you should come out of it fine.

RE: my car exploded - Sekaru - 01-10-2008


RE: my car exploded - GM-Pandora - 01-10-2008

Indeed, everyone should always have a little "cushion" of money saved up for emergencies, never know when you're gonna need it, you'll breath easier also. Hope things turn out ok for you Zanias ^_^

RE: my car exploded - Former-GM-Mystra - 01-10-2008

Exactly, I've been doing this little *cushion* for the passed 2 years, and I'm only 21 heh... I accumulated around 3500$ for now... I'm aiming around 4000$ or 5000$ for a comfortable cushion before making any big expenses. You never know what will happen, be prepared and don't live "on a daily basis" and only look at the present, if you do, you will have a problem in the future.

PS: Plus, I might have a ~250 000$ heritage to help the cushion even more... lol (evaluated at 284 000$ last I heard), but I don't count on it, you have to always depend on yourself first!

RE: my car exploded - azurerogue - 01-10-2008

B> Mystra's heritage

Bid = $1

RE: my car exploded - Aaronock - 01-10-2008

*Pulls a price is right out of her butt*
$2 Laugh

RE: my car exploded - azurerogue - 01-10-2008

*stabs Aaronock and takes her $2*

New Bid = 1+2...$3!!!

Also, sorry to hear about your car zanias - probably shouldn't spam this thread without commenting on the original post. That really sucks. I remember when my car's transmission and clutch went to hell (not at the same time). I just got rid of it because of how much it would have cost to get it fixed vs it's age.

RE: my car exploded - zanias - 01-10-2008

Oh man. Dude, there's an aid society in the AF, and they payed for my car! I'm going to have to pay them back, but it's at no interest. ^_^ lucky o.o

Hmmm.. *checks account* $10? Oh Mystra's heritage is mine!

Thx fella's. lol, I'm going to start budgeting my coushin cash when I get payed.

RE: my car exploded - Former-GM-Mystra - 01-11-2008

Lol, my heritage stays on me and I'l only share it with my true love, friends, and family.

RE: my car exploded - azurerogue - 01-11-2008

So, Mystra... are you seeing anyone? ^_~

EDIT: Or, I suppose we could be friends. I think the "family" part is a bit of a stretch for me...as far as I know Icon_biggrin