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Crime & Punishment - Printable Version

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RE: Crime & Punishment - Kadar - 03-10-2008

From what I've read so far it seems that Jason picked the name to specifically push the new name rules as much as he could. Someone warned him about it and he decided to ignore it knowing full well the implications of the name. He happened to push the rules a bit too far and now suffers the consequences. The fact that the GMs learned what it meant through Urban Dictionary is a non-issue. They could know the slang term from their childhood for all I care. THAT DOESN'T MATTER. What's important is that he chose the name with the intent to push the rules.

Now let's say for a moment he had no idea what it meant or that he picked it at complete random. There still remains the fact that someone told him it's not a good idea. He should have at least checked the meaning or asked the GMs about it in particular to make sure without a doubt that he wasn't going to offend anyone. He can only blame himself.

As for Fainn... If there was evidence to say that he picked the name for the derogatory meaning then it makes sense to delete it. But that could be a random jumble of letters which he thought sounded cool for all we know. So either there was proof of a misdeed here or the GMs made a huge mistake on this one. I havn't really read any posts stating Fainn knew it could be taken in a bad way. If someone saw one post a link; I don't feel like re-reading anything in this thread.

RE: Crime & Punishment - Flossy - 03-10-2008

Kiki Wrote:
teOx Wrote:lol flossy i dont see anything offensive at all about the flossy entry post.

and the GMs already said things that addressed the urban dictionary nonsense many times. get over it Icon_sad
imagine if ur sinx was deleted out of nowhere cuz teox was deemed inappropriate by the gm-team becuz of references from urbandictionary, i highly doubt you'd be sayin that rite about now
Kissy Exactly

Btw page 2 is the page with the offensive meanings

RE: Crime & Punishment - GM-Pandora - 03-10-2008

We're looking into the Fainn matter.

As for other names, we will deal with them if we get reports. The rules state this: "New characters with inappropriate name will have their character either deleted or jailed depending on the gravity of the offense."

Key word is gravity of the offense, which we will judge to the best of our ability. Someone who'd make a new char with something really highly offensive, would be deleted on the stop, but something mildly inapropriate might just get a jail time and forced change. Or if the report is silly and the name found not to be offensive at all, it will be disregarded.

As for Yumera, I think your suggestion was horrible to be honest (no offense) and I'd rather not envision the uproad we would have gotten if we had gone with something similar. "I like pink things" or anything of the like would have been seen as an offense to try and ridicule a player, and forcing someone to pay would not have been popular either I'm sure. Thanks for your suggestion nonetheless.

RE: Crime & Punishment - Serenity - 03-10-2008

GM-Pandora Wrote:Or if the report is silly and the name found not to be offensive at all, it will be disregarded.

I think if the report is silly, the person who reports it should be punished instead. If not, I think I'd start making some reports right now if you don't mind.

RE: Crime & Punishment - Yumera - 03-10-2008

Icon_redface Sorry Pandora i just couldn't think of any weird names at the spot Thinking. Even a ban till he changes it seems more appropriate till the name is changed by the player +extra time. But the idea came only to because any further name changes after that day cost money to change which is also part of the rules which seems to me a little more sensible punishment then deleting even if the offense was high. Jason took things too far. Ok, I get it, but it doesn't make it any less painful and justified to delete a legit 99 trans because of a name even if that rule is there, it just hurts too much to see it Icon_cry

RE: Crime & Punishment - wussypuff - 03-10-2008

o_O ok...wow. don't have a lot to add except:

those of you being prosecuted: not a good idea to lose your cool in a thread that may very well hold your fate on the line. think of pandora as judge judy....is she going to put up with it? no. you'll be thrown out of court.

from what i can see, the names (other than fainn of course) are a no brainer as to the offensiveness of them. it's NOT THAT HARD to figure out what's offensive and what's not. yes, official RO may be teen. if hero wants to be all ages? then hero can be all ages and there's nothing to argue about since it's pandora's personal server, and pandora's decision.

the password change surprised me. mine got done in a matter of a couple days! /swt i heard about buddha in pront square last night and it was very upsetting. i hope you can do something for her, as she very plainly asked for help. if not? buddha i'll help you farm more stuff, just bug me on rosey.

let the gm's do their work...everybody take a chill pill and maybe a well needed day off? makes no sense to blow this up any more than it already is. but don't make matters worse for yourselves.

RE: Crime & Punishment - Snapplewee - 03-10-2008


post above made a lot of sense.

guess i wont be using the name bearded clam for a champ xD

punishment for bad report? everything is based on interpretation. thats why the GM's always as a group discuss the offense, and as a group decide to ban. i think thats a terrible idea.

RE: Crime & Punishment - GM-Pandora - 03-10-2008

I guess we could issue punishment if people go overboard with false reports or with obvious intent just to spam us, or if for example they forge false proof.

But other than something really overboard it is usually left for interpretation and common sense, disregarded reports usually borderline breaking rules but are not deemed important enough to ensue sanction. "Silly" usually does not refer to something very harsh that would justify punishment.

RE:?? Crime & Punishment - teOx - 03-10-2008

Kiki Wrote:
teOx Wrote:lol flossy i dont see anything offensive at all about the flossy entry post.

and the GMs already said things that addressed the urban dictionary nonsense many times. get over it Icon_sad
imagine if ur sinx was deleted out of nowhere cuz teox was deemed inappropriate by the gm-team becuz of references from urbandictionary, i highly doubt you'd be sayin that rite about now

yea that would suck lol. my point though was that the GMs didnt use urbandictionary, they banned the players because they found evidence that the players were trying to find an offensive name on purpose (well not fainn. fainn will probably be brought back at this rate since aki chose the name out of a list and then banned it later which, if true, is kinda silly Icon_razz)

with that in mind, even if urban dictionary said something stupid about my name, i can easily explain where it came from. same reason bringing up a random definition of cucu is just stupid because its not the same thing at all. according to cucu astro knows where the name cucu came from, if this is true then astro was just being the sarcastic guy he is because he knows cucu wasnt meant to offend.

so yeah. urbandictionary is stupid, everyone agreed with this already i think and im sure ayu (was it ayu?) realized how dumb it unbanned im sure the people whining about urbandictionary will was to bring up that website in the first place. once fainn is stop whining about it.

but yeah i could be wrong. lina has a point, why was fainn banned in the first place again? i hope it wasnt urbandictionary Icon_razz

ps. dont look up kiki lolol.

RE: Crime & Punishment - Sekaru - 03-10-2008


A: I hate LoA and I despise jason but the whole ban for name/guild chat/previous offenses yeah I find it ridiculous honestly what happened to case by case justice like its like oh we'll let everything slide so that eventually he can stack em all up to hit him with the past. funny how this happened when no one could touch their precast Icon_razz

B: this really sucks without LoA theres no point to WoE lol.