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Pictures =D - Printable Version

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RE: Pictures =D - Former-GM-Mystra - 06-19-2008


Wheres my devil tail!?!?!?

RE: Pictures =D - Général_Argos - 06-20-2008

Can't see it cuz of the shadow of the aura of evilness :/

RE: Pictures =D - poeticwings - 06-20-2008

G?n?ral_Argos Wrote:
Aeria Wrote:Mystra looks so happy Icon_suprised


But here is how he would like to be looking-like:

(he always try to convince us he is "evil"...)

[Image: mystra3iw4.gif]

edit : damit, the image got into the other page of the thread

Omg. Now I'll have nightmares.

[Image: needsleep.jpg]

Look at my eyes. They're all baggy. I need sleep.

RE: Pictures =D - teOx - 06-20-2008

omg an even eviler pic.

RE: Pictures =D - ~LSANotes - 06-20-2008

Mystras a guy?! O_________________0

RE: Pictures =D - Kadar - 06-20-2008

LOL.. Another persons dream of Mystra shattered.

RE: Pictures =D - Keefa - 07-01-2008

This, ladies and gentlemen, is me.

RE: Pictures =D - teOx - 07-02-2008

id hit that

RE: Pictures =D - Maiden - 07-02-2008

Keef, you're supposed to have curly blonde hair...what happened Icon_cry

RE: Pictures =D - Bloody - 07-02-2008

Quote:id hit that

You'd even hit a monkey's >_>

@ Keef: Yep, 100% made in Finland Laugh