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What Movie or DVD have you seen recently? - Printable Version

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RE: What Movie or DVD have you seen recently? - Matrim Cauthon Jr - 10-14-2010 02:52 AM


Mustang Sally's Horror House (Sucked ass)
Buried Alive (the one with Tobin Bell). It was decent. Unoriginal plot and the usual "You must die for what ancestors did" Dude, I mean seriously. That makes no sense at all.
National Lampoons Black Ball (Meh)
Reno 911: Miami The Movie (Had a few kinda funny parts)

Best movie I've seen in last month or so...Godzilla Vs. Mothra. Yes I have it on DVD. Rodan & original Godzilla also win.

RE: What Movie or DVD have you seen recently? - Zaratus - 10-16-2010 09:20 PM

Recently ...

The german movie Krabat, based on the novel by Ottfried Preu?ler (book >>>>>>>>>>>> movie, but movie is still worth watching)

The complete Bourne Trilogy

aaaand the swedish movie The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, based on the novel by Stief Larsson (book > movie again, but Noomi Rapace is just awesome).

RE: What Movie or DVD have you seen recently? - Hatred - 10-21-2010 06:23 AM


Sherlock Holmes .... =D

RE: What Movie or DVD have you seen recently? - Magister Magi - 10-21-2010 08:03 AM

Stargate Universe 1.0

I haven't watched all of the episodes in it yet though. I've just seen the first two (the extended version of the Pilot Episode 'Air' and Darkness).

What I really want to see is Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works.

RE: What Movie or DVD have you seen recently? - BaileyR - 10-28-2010 04:37 AM

i watched TEKKEN the movie . . . !!!
and it is just mindblowing :D

RE: What Movie or DVD have you seen recently? - Debris - 10-28-2010 04:51 AM

The Nightmare Before Christmas

RE: What Movie or DVD have you seen recently? - Acton - 10-28-2010 06:05 AM

I saw a movie Cango recently ........Its a intersting movie thats about the life of Gorillas,

RE: What Movie or DVD have you seen recently? - Silk - 10-30-2010 07:09 PM

Iron Man 2.

RE: What Movie or DVD have you seen recently? - Shikari - 10-30-2010 10:12 PM

....Saw whatevernumberisthenewone

Utter sh*t, like its predecessors -_- dont waste the cash. On a side note, the 3D also fails.

RE: What Movie or DVD have you seen recently? - Matrim Cauthon Jr - 10-31-2010 01:50 PM

Added to list of recent movies:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret Of The Ooze
My Bloody Valentine 3D
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (the remake)
Resident Evil
The Dark Knight
And on a free preview channel, The Angry Red Planet (Loved it)