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Emo Kid.. - Printable Version

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RE: Emo Kid.. - Motenai_Ronin - 04-01-2006

referring to that comic up above:
largely in japan, it's actually a known disorder that teens and young adults will lock themselves up in their room playing video games, watching anime/tv, reading stuff and living off their parents for some until they're in their 30s. The parents often hire "rental sisters"(basically morale boosters and companions) to coax them out of their rooms/house once in a while.[the girls have rental brothers] Hopefully they break out of their shell and when they do they join an organization for people like them to find them jobs and get them reassimilated into society.
here's an newspaper article all about this kind of thing: Shutting Themselves In

it's actually a very interesting article about a very real issue, so it's worth a good half hour's read i'd say. well at least 15min.
dun know how long that article's going to stay up tho. damn newspaper sites always require you to subscribe if the article's so and so weeks or months behind to see them.

RE: Emo Kid.. - Hitoo - 04-01-2006

Sir Aun Wrote:Icon_lol Free razor! Prove you're hardcore.

I don't know but just that phrase makes me laugh and reminds me of alot of things that happened to me.

*pat* now now, don't worry I'm in your life now.

(The above phrase came from me, Sir Aun's friend, not Hitoo)

RE: Emo Kid.. - Sir Aun - 04-01-2006

Don't worry it just reminds me of very stupid things me and the others did, and probably still do, at regular basis. I don't mean cutting ourselfs with razors so don't worrie people. In theorie, what I do can't kill me.Icon_wink

Still its said that whats in your plate won't kill you either but people die of a chicken bone stuck in the troat.Icon_sad But don't worrie guys I make sure that the bone I swallow is small enough.Icon_lol

RE: Emo Kid.. - Hitoo - 04-01-2006

Bah, I know you don't cut yourself with razors... well last time saw your arms (3 hours ago) they where scar free. It could have been a metaphor though! Icon_sad

What do you mean, stupid things we do on a regular basis? Icon_razz

RE: Emo Kid.. - medved - 04-01-2006

Motenai_Ronin Wrote:damn newspaper sites always require you to subscribe if the article's so and so weeks or months behind to see them.


RE: Emo Kid.. - Sir Aun - 04-02-2006

If you really know me you do not have to ask that question. You know that I do stupid things sometimes.Icon_twisted

RE: Emo Kid.. - Hitoo - 04-02-2006

Sir Aun Wrote:If you really know me you do not have to ask that question. You know that I do stupid things sometimes.Icon_twisted
Lol, like the barfights we do, without glass bottles, without alcohol, without tables, without chairs, without real punches, and without a bar? Icon_lol

RE: Emo Kid.. - Sir Aun - 04-02-2006


RE: Emo Kid.. - _Wind_ - 04-04-2006

[Image: 002zpqar]

Art has just been slapped down ~

RE: Emo Kid.. - Shikari - 07-24-2010

@me Casts ressurect