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Curse Words - Printable Version

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RE: Curse Words - TPC - 05-29-2010 04:51 PM

The word wtf is censored in game. Its the only word I've tried to use that didn't get trough. I do think that it should be removed from the list, but the rest of the list seems fine to me.

RE: Curse Words - Fruityla - 05-29-2010 05:03 PM

o_o heRO has filters?

RE: Curse Words - TPC - 05-29-2010 09:16 PM

Yes, for the in-game chat. Can't be that many words on the list however as you almost never see anyone hitting it. The word gets replaced by *****.

Edit: Actually I just tried a few words in an empty party chat, and they didn't get censored. Maybe it got removed, or maybe its just for main or for public chat (can't remember where I saw it).