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GM Service + Nobility Question. - Printable Version

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RE: GM Service + Nobility Question. - Former-GM-Circe - 09-11-2010

I haven't fully seen the ToH script, but I doubt the points are recorded "onto" the item. More than likely, it checks to see if you have the item (to make sue you actully entered legitimately), then sets your points as a character variable, and the item script calls that variable value to print out.

If you were to trade a ToH scoresheet, the value would not stay the same. Same would go for a nobility voucher.

The exception that nobility is not included in GM Service item trades has been put there by Pandora under her decision. You'll have to try to sweet talk her. I'm solely on what is technically possible now in response to suggestions.
It's up to her if we take any viable ones.

RE: GM Service + Nobility Question. - Avalon_Fates - 09-11-2010

Okay, thanks so much for being patient and for explaining the reasons why this would be difficult to implement so quickly. Ill go attempt to get permission from Lady Pandora to use a GM service for switching my Nobility once I obtain one via vote points or Fairy Auction.

Thanks Again.

RE: GM Service + Nobility Question. - Psithief - 09-11-2010

Regarding Nobility, perhaps you could make the service of transferring sunk cost from one noble to another noble? One character's rank goes down while another goes up, but each character has to be a noble to start with.

Then you have the added benefit that no one would use the service. :D