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Ragnarok Tools - Printable Version

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RE: Ragnarok Tools - Former-GM-Circe - 01-07-2011

Just a note that ROEmpire is horribly old and outdated these days.

As for sharing the RBO file, I'd imagine the answer is no, as it is distributed by a company.
I know, I know. We're on a private RO server, but that's the answer. Icon_razz

RE: Ragnarok Tools - Magnus - 01-07-2011

Ahhh >__<
Okay, okay.

Thanks for the notes.

RE: Ragnarok Tools - Mystic - 01-08-2011


'Nuff said.

RE: Ragnarok Tools - Magnus - 01-09-2011

iRO wiki has many things not right, like one guy said in @main.

RE: Ragnarok Tools - Former-GM-Circe - 01-10-2011

iRO wiki has a preRE version still up, too.

Although there will be differences, due to iROwiki being for the Aegis run iRO, and heRO running on eAthena, it's still a pretty good resource.
With all the private servers out there and the level of customisation of RO. you won't find one resource that applies fully to heRO.

RE: Ragnarok Tools - Magnus - 01-10-2011

Only if we finish to build our wiki Icon_razz
Added iRO wiki, old version;

RE: Ragnarok Tools - Magnus - 06-03-2012

I know I'm necromancing this thread, but now that I'm back, I'll update it once again Icon_smile

RE: Ragnarok Tools - Magnus - 06-03-2012

Updated... twice.

RE: Ragnarok Tools - raphael.cruger - 06-06-2012

This is doddler's new(ish) calc, with a pvp calc with woe reduction available.

RE: Ragnarok Tools - Magnus - 06-07-2012

Thanks! Added the PvP calc