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Trial of Heroes (Sept) - Printable Version

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RE: Trial of Heroes (Sept) - Reis - 09-19-2006

Since I missed most of the trials, I'll only talk about the monster fighting.

As you have noticed, some players have much more advantage in monster killing, such as mvps (Wizards, Hunters, LKs, and Champions). I jus thought maybe you can provide harder mvps for these classes, and extend the time limit to maybe 3-4 min instead of 2 min for the last round. Also, I think there should be more monsters in certain rounds and less in some rounds. (More angels and maybe 2-3 less dullahans).

Overall tho, it was pretty balanced out. Even tho there is no question that some class do better here than others. There was always a monster that the players had trouble dealing with (such as Edward Elric against holy monsters). So with some minor tweak this part will be even better.

As for priests, I think you should have a 4th option of maybe running thru a mob of monsters in a narrow corridor. It would test for survival, not killing. (should only be available to vit priests or maybe Paladins, since dex priests are capable of killing pretty well). You would essentially need 10-15 mobs blockading a narrow pathway, and the priest will have to run thru it to the finish line (within the time limit). Jus a suggestion tho so priests wont feel left out. I mean, when I was watching I was almost glad that I couldnt ToH >.>.

RE: Trial of Heroes (Sept) - Général_Argos - 09-20-2006

Reis Wrote:Overall tho, it was pretty balanced out. Even tho there is no question that some class do better here than others. There was always a monster that the players had trouble dealing with (such as Edward Elric against holy monsters).

Lool, me i couldnt kill those cuz of angel propertyIcon_cry

RE: Trial of Heroes (Sept) - silvanel - 09-20-2006

cough cough ,as i remember rain ... you have a sniper no? same for Melody Vilente no?

For the Edward Elric part not being able to kill holy monster... Is'nt it already strong enough to have elemental attack agaisnt all other ?its almost like saying *Hey give it easy for the wizzy*

About the angel thingy ,i'd say 3 is enough unless you wanna see bunch of people running with cursed water.

The point is
If you cant be a Hero with a certain character, then you dont deserve Hero gear.


RE: Trial of Heroes (Sept) - Manifus - 09-20-2006

OK silv, try being a hero with a novice :D yes, do it, now, see if being one class has an advantage over another, see right now :D

As for them having snipers, yup they sure do, so thye know for a fact that they have it easy Icon_lol

RE: Trial of Heroes (Sept) - Reis - 09-20-2006

lol Why would I suggest that we add more angels if I wanted to make it easier for Ed? Its true that who ever can use elemental attacks (magic, ele arrows, ele weapons) will have it easier than some classes. You cant deny that. I was saying lets make the trial HARDER. And I would like to see you beat down 12 dullahans and 8 wanderers with a Full support vit priest within 2 mins.

What does me having a sniper have to do with this? lol

RE: Trial of Heroes (Sept) - silvanel - 09-20-2006

@rain:Cause you originaly applyed with your HP .
@Manifus: yeah i understand that but thats why GM'S made those wings switchable by storage. I guess that's the price to pay for having a HP on another account for dual clienting purpose.


RE: Trial of Heroes (Sept) - Reis - 09-20-2006

I dont think the original intend for the wings to be put into storage was to jus switch it between characters, not necessarily. It could be, but you cant just speculate that that was the original purpose. Basically, you're saying "Don't use ur priest to apply" which sounds pretty discriminating. I mean, I only applied with my priest because he was the only one with enough points, not because I wanted heRO gears for him. And its kind of unfair that you get punished for what GMs originally allowed (dual clienting).

This topic isnt about me, so how about not flaming me about my priest?

RE:??Trial of Heroes (Sept) - Alexander - 09-21-2006

You know I luv ya Reis, but...it's kind of ironic that you complain about discrimination against your priest- yet you want to discriminate against other classes for the trials.

Reis Wrote:I dont think the original intend for the wings to be put into storage was to jus switch it between characters, not necessarily. It could be, but you cant just speculate that that was the original purpose. Basically, you're saying "Don't use ur priest to apply" which sounds pretty discriminating. I mean, I only applied with my priest because he was the only one with enough points, not because I wanted heRO gears for him. And its kind of unfair that you get punished for what GMs originally allowed (dual clienting).

This topic isnt about me, so how about not flaming me about my priest?

Reis Wrote:As you have noticed, some players have much more advantage in monster killing, such as mvps (Wizards, Hunters, LKs, and Champions). I jus thought maybe you can provide harder mvps for these classes, and extend the time limit to maybe 3-4 min instead of 2 min for the last round.

I know I haven't said anything so far, heck, Haven't said anything on the forums in a long while. =D I'm sorry, but, that just sounds ridiculous. You're punishing people for picking a certain class and being biased towards other classes. It's not really as much as an advantage, as it is most likely people who know what they're doing.

For instance, the argument of Wizards having elemental everything. Don't forget they pay the price of having the lowest HP in the game (nearly). Their spells get interrupted every time they cast too if they're being hit. In addition, name me one class, ONE that can't use elementals. There is always the option of elemental weapons for everyone.

I don't feel like responding to everything, but...long story short. Look at the big picture. Icon_wink

(Edit: Fixed the quote)

RE: Trial of Heroes (Sept) - Manifus - 09-21-2006

Any class can use elemental ...because.... SAGED! *I tase burning*

RE: Trial of Heroes (Sept) - Général_Argos - 09-27-2006

Alexander Wrote:For instance, the argument of Wizards having elemental everything. Don't forget they pay the price of having the lowest HP in the game (nearly). Their spells get interrupted every time they cast too if they're being hit. In addition, name me one class, ONE that can't use elementals. There is always the option of elemental weapons for everyone.

Well Paladins can't use elementals (execpt holy xD) Icon_neutral