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Trial of Heroes June, Saturday 30th, 3PM - Printable Version

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RE: Trial of Heroes June, Saturday 30th, 3PM - Shinigami l0_0l - 06-28-2012


RE: Trial of Heroes June, Saturday 30th, 3PM - mahawirasd - 06-28-2012

^ such a nice gesture... Thinking someone must have hacked his account! Oh My God


RE: Trial of Heroes June, Saturday 30th, 3PM - Shinigami l0_0l - 06-28-2012

*brb password change*

RE: Trial of Heroes June, Saturday 30th, 3PM - Seth~ - 06-28-2012

@Shinigami l0_0l thx for the link its so useful GM's dont put it always. *stares at GM's responsible*

Shinigami l0_0l ~~~~ can be nice

-edit- OMG i can attend. *for now*

RE: Trial of Heroes June, Saturday 30th, 3PM - Firenza - 06-28-2012

Sunday 5am for me?! Well, lol.

RE: Trial of Heroes June, Saturday 30th, 3PM - Former-GM-Glyph - 06-28-2012

Just how hard is it to use @time and figure it out from there? Seriously, most of you went to school and can read numbers. Icon_razz

RE: Trial of Heroes June, Saturday 30th, 3PM - Ptah - 06-29-2012

What are numbers?

RE:??Trial of Heroes June, Saturday 30th, 3PM - mahawirasd - 06-29-2012

GM-Glyph Wrote:Just how hard is it to use @time and figure it out from there? Seriously, most of you went to school and can read numbers. Icon_razz

would be easier for more people if some time zones doesn't get warped due to "daylight savings" -> quite a foreign concept for quite a number of people ya know...


RE: Trial of Heroes June, Saturday 30th, 3PM - Ellie - 06-29-2012


I know it's an amazingly modern idea for people to actually look up some of their own queries sometimes, but technology is progressing at a very rapid rate these days!

Save a spoon. Feed yourself.

RE: Trial of Heroes June, Saturday 30th, 3PM - Seth~ - 06-29-2012

arg, making life easier is nice sometimes 7 out of 10. The needs of the many outweigh the few.