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heRO going private hosting - Printable Version

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RE: heRO going private hosting - Bloody - 01-22-2008

How reassuring Icon_smile

RE: heRO going private hosting - Lysander - 01-22-2008

Bloody you are making some jumps there buddy, this new hosting deal will be a good thing ^_^ I think that were I Pandora I would be more stressed to be constantly bothered by people complaining about the 'OMG LAGZ' then about the $100 disappearing from my bank account each month. Annnd if we've already got enough saved up for six months then logic follows that during the next six months we will probably save enough to pay for the next six, and so on. Icon_smile

I think that the whole professional hosting deal would be awesome, it will allow for some growth on our part, I'm looking forward to eventually seeing 200+ people on, yaaay. And, most importantly for right now, it will help with the lag issues

RE: heRO going private hosting - GM-Pandora - 01-22-2008

Peekaboo sent me the website to the professional hosting they use at her workplace (thanks!), I will look into it also and report if they have a better price. Their website doesn't say much, I have to apply for a quotation to know more.

First I need to check at home what our current monthly bandwidth usage is, I honestly have no idea, since I'm on an unlimited plan I never bothered to check Icon_biggrin

RE: heRO going private hosting - Général_Argos - 01-22-2008

First of all, what I would do is wait for a lag spike, when people complain in party chat or on main that there is lag...Then take a look at the download and upload speed the server, or your whole connection at your home is using. If it is really under the cap of what you are supposed to have with your isp (10mps?), than the problem isnt the bandwith speed. It could be the server himself running on a too old pc, hard drive being too slow, quantity of ram insufficient, speed of ram insufficient, processor too old and slow. Take a look at the ressource your server is running in ram size and % cpu usage during lag spike. Analyse whats going on during lagspike.

RE: heRO going private hosting - Yuukino - 01-22-2008

Well a $100 is still not that much if you're good at saving (which I am not XD I buy too much books), have a full time job and don't own a car. But I'd personnally would prefer to buy books and mangas with that money so once I get finally paid (should be in a month Icon_cry because of their system), I should finally be able to donate too! I've been wanting to for a long while, but wanted to make sure this money wouldn't cause me trouble later. Now I've got a new fun job and it pays well, so I'll send you some so the server can accept more people without the lag. :3

By the way Pand, I can't remember if you own a car or not. I should think not, so if you need a hand you can poke me on msn (Random Kat here), if I'm available, I'll come no problem! :3

The cat says hi. And the Kat too! :3 (Kathou, toudou tch! that wasn't funny but I just woke up and I'm feeling like I could laugh at anything XD)

Man I don't even know what I'm writing and too lazy to re-read... Go server Go! I'm for the upgrade :3 I don't get that much lag, but sometimes monster do teleport to my direct location to kick my ass when I thought they were far away...

Mmmh... This is starting to be a long letter without saying much... I'll stop here... Myeah... Gotta go eat food... Food is good... :9

RE: heRO going private hosting - teOx - 01-22-2008

ive been getting DCed like every 20 minutes Icon_cry. this upgrade thing sounds awesome.

RE: heRO going private hosting - GM-Pandora - 01-22-2008

Hey kat, glad to hear you got a new job, and yeah I got a car.

RE: heRO going private hosting - Frogboy - 01-22-2008

@kat monsters "teleporting" to your location when you thought they were further away is signs of lag, usually a significant amount of lag =)

also i'm all for it, i could use a dosage of no-lag

RE: heRO going private hosting - Kadar - 01-22-2008

I agree with Krim on this. You should make sure that the hardware is up for the challenge. You can only go as fast as the slowest component. Other than that it sounds like a really good deal.

RE: heRO going private hosting - Aaronock - 01-22-2008

If you can afford to pay for this private hosting, I'm very glad to see it happen ^_^

Good for 6 months, that's a good bit of time to get people adjusted, also once we get Thor's we'll be pretty much up to date so I also expect a lot more people to wish to join this server.