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Dracula's Raid - Printable Version

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RE: Dracula's Raid - Arukei - 07-24-2008

(OOC: O________o )

RE: Dracula's Raid - Guillermo - 07-24-2008


RE: Dracula's Raid - Prontera Nobility News - 07-25-2008

Prontera Nobility News
[Image: screenheroserver405ww8.jpg]

While Ms Sabr!Na has completed her turmoils and seek the extravagant power of to be reborn again from the gifts of God Odin's battle maidens, the valkyries, wretched Dracula ambushed her once more. Although the heroes foiled the Vampire Count's plans again, Dracula is never fully defeated and returns time after time to haunt the citizens at night...

King Tristan III issued a new order to put all priorities to hunt down the Dark Conjurer Eudoxie's right hand man, Count Dracula. It is believed that the vampire only attacks at night time because he is weakened at day and may even hide among the crowd as a normal human being. The King asks all the officers, royal nobles of the kingdoms, and all brave adventurers of the land to:

-Uncover Dracula's real identity at day time
-Figure out his patterns of his attacks

King Tristan III will reward the first one who solves the mystery with 1 Heavenly Maiden Robe[1] +7.

[OOC Posting: Dracula hides among one of the players in day time. PM Prontera Nobility News with your answers for Dracula's day time identity with his in-game name, along with the proper explanation of his pattern of attacks. Only your first PM attempt at solving the mystery will be counted. You won't be able to change your answers, so please be careful.]

RE: Dracula's Raid - Avalon_Fates - 07-26-2008

OOC: do you mean player as in a player of heRO, or you in descise?

RE: Dracula's Raid - GM-Ayu - 07-26-2008

What do you think, Fates?

It's a player and not a NPC, but is it me in disguise, that's part of the things you have to figure out.

RE: Dracula's Raid - Avalon_Fates - 07-26-2008

No that means its not people I know, and I know alot of people

RE: Dracula's Raid - Prontera Nobility News - 07-26-2008

OOC: Like mentioned in-game, I asked a player before to help me in setup and prepare for this event.

RE: Dracula's Raid - Avalon_Fates - 07-26-2008

@_@, well still I think ive gained enough evidence for now, vampire hunter angel is on the case!

RE: Dracula's Raid - Arukei - 07-26-2008

*swats Angelus with her shoe*

RE: Dracula's Raid - Aaronock - 07-26-2008

And because a few already have accused me of being Dracula...No, I'm not Dracula so stop suspecting I am.

I went to go see Dracula today when attacking the Yuno Castle, many in the Behemoth guild can vouch for me on that. I have no interest in Dracula's affairs but he is a nuisance I wouldn't mind seeing go away.