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Pictures =D - Printable Version

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RE: Pictures =D - bugaboo - 08-02-2012

[Image: IMAG0759-1.jpg]

for silk because silk.

also no this is a different shirt but it's the same thing basically.??don't you dare judge me.

RE:??Pictures =D - Factotum - 08-02-2012

Jens Wrote:well, me neither, I used to scare them with a knife.

Ask Kittie, she fondly remembers that pic Evil

I remember it too. 8|

And Malady's hair is amazing. <3 Oh mah gawd. Everyone praise it.

RE: Pictures =D - Egggz - 08-02-2012

L.Malady aint bad lookin =o =p

RE: ??Pictures =D - Jens - 08-03-2012

Factotum Wrote:I remember it too. 8|

And Malady's hair is amazing. <3 Oh mah gawd. Everyone praise it.

Oh. Hair. Right. Nevermind me.


RE: Pictures =D - karuma - 08-04-2012

hey this is me
and this is my noob vids

RE: Pictures =D - bugaboo - 08-04-2012

I guess this makes you a guitar heRO? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.

shoot me

Anyway, very cool videos! <: I wish I could play guitar. As far as I can tell, your covers are pretty good. Moaar.

RE: Pictures =D - 09Kisame09 - 08-25-2012

Time to show you guys some of my vacation pictures!

This one was on the first day when I took a dip into the Atlantic Ocean. Some of my friends who live near it were telling me it was cold, but it wasn't so bad!

[Image: 5Ism7.jpg]

I took this picture the next morning at sunrise when we arrived to Maine. The sunrise is always so beautiful over the ocean!

[Image: XEtoI.jpg?8545]

And of course, here are some sand castles/buildings I saw!

[Image: k7spZ.jpg]

[Image: 4DhHj.jpg]

[Image: pstwU.jpg]

This is the Jetti. A Jetti is a man-made rock structure that juts out into the ocean. I fished off of it a few days ago and caught a crab!

[Image: 7cNCd.jpg]

I look a lot better with longer hair... but meh. These rack of ribs were amazing! We went to a steakhouse near where we were staying and the food is AMAZING! I got a Filet Mignon the second time we went, though, my favorite part of both entrees was the little bean pot you can see. It had BBQ smoked baked beans inside and they were to die for!

[Image: N4qVJ.jpg]

Me and my bro Marty sitting in front of the historic Nubble Lighthouse! And yeah... I was sunburned for much of this vacation xD

[Image: mlSqF.jpg?1655]

And this is another historical part of Maine; Perkins Cove! I'm standing towards the middle of the drawbridge but you can't see me too well. I have a picture zoomed in to be able to, but I think this one is nicer since you can see more!

[Image: UjbDP.jpg]

And lastly, this is the cottage me, Marty, and his mom stayed in!

[Image: e3tkN.jpg]

Maine is just too nice. I know people from there probably don't think so, but I am loved it there. I spent at least the majority of the week on the beach, and the sunburn I got was totally worth it! The ocean was so nice and refreshing, especially when high tide came in and I went with my pals boogie boarding/skim boarding. The people were really nice, I played games and ate a lot of food with the other families that were staying in the neighboring cottages. I got in on a baggo tournament with one of the other families staying here on vacation and won $50 for being on the team that got first place and then most nights when it got dark out, I went to the arcade with my pals and had an awesome time and then we would walk around in the ocean and on the beach to hang out and meet other people til like 2 in the morning then do it all again the next day. The state motto wasn't kidding, Maine really is vacation land. I do have more photos if you guys want to see them, all you gotta do is ask!


RE: Pictures =D - Bellatrix - 10-26-2012

Introducing...??a Bella DDDD=

And Pandora's fantabulous cookies =D


I droppeded the cookie =(

The crumbs on my shirt should indicate how good they were =)

and an extra pic! big girl job clothes (=


Ahhhh! first time I've shared my pic with the whole of hero *shy*

RE: Pictures =D - Kittie - 10-26-2012

Hahahah love the first pic Bella <3

RE: Pictures =D - Draco - 10-26-2012

I am so jelly of them cookies yo!