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What do you want to happen with NonTrans WoE? - Printable Version

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RE: What do you want to happen with NonTrans WoE? - mahawirasd - 09-02-2009 08:11 PM

keep it the way it is or as pistis said, increase eco to make it more attractive. Just don't move it to another day, exactly like what pistis said.


RE: What do you want to happen with NonTrans WoE? - Neuneck - 09-02-2009 08:18 PM

Move it. I'd like to give it a shot without loosing trans woe

RE:??What do you want to happen with NonTrans WoE? - Diallo - 09-02-2009 08:25 PM

mahawirasd Wrote:keep it the way it is or as pistis said, increase eco to make it more Abuseable seeing how nobody goes for it. Just don't move it to another day, exactly like what pistis said.



RE: ??What do you want to happen with NonTrans WoE? - Diallo - 09-02-2009 08:31 PM

"GS and Ninja should woe in Non trans also.Icon_biggrin"

I see the broken-ness in this. Who else does? : D

Ninja and GS in non trans woe is retarded. Flat out, Retarded.
Cicida? lol @ nontrans.??Oh, You wanna use magic? Well theres a magical thing called a 'marc.

GS, Constantly spamming Desperato (it goes past penuma still, Right?) lol, EFFECTIVE. Back to the point.

Fact of the matter is, Non-trans WoE should defiently be moved to another time. Hell, its MORE time to WoE, the only fun part of the game is WoE, And PvP. Why not add MORE WoE? More competition, hell.. i'd go make a noob character to hit up Alde.??And lol @ increasing the Eco. That was a great laugh for today. Ty :>

RE: What do you want to happen with NonTrans WoE? - Ardney Wolf - 09-02-2009 09:03 PM

Expanded classes are fine in WoE. SG isn't the only magic that exists. Ther eare plenty of counters to expanded classes. That is all

RE: What do you want to happen with NonTrans WoE? - Diallo - 09-02-2009 09:24 PM

Did i say the only magic you use is SG? nope. Usually the way to kill ninjas is magic via freezing, in woe.. that is. but, by the time a ninja gets to you and you're casting, unless you're casting level 1 bolts, and do a good amount of damage, or have 150 dex.. the ninja can EASILY stunlock you and prevent you from casting any spell.. so really, whilst i get your point, still is flaws to it.

RE: What do you want to happen with NonTrans WoE? - Shikari - 09-02-2009 09:40 PM

move to another day so that guilds who which to participate won't be weakened for trans WoE Icon_biggrin

RE: What do you want to happen with NonTrans WoE? - ShadowValentine - 09-03-2009 01:19 AM

Falcons beat Ninjas. Blitz Beat pierces CCS, and only Flip Tatami blocks it. And a Ninja continually casting Flip Tatami will be completely pwnt by other characters, imo. But then again, I don't know much about Ext. classes, so I can't comment much.

RE: ??What do you want to happen with NonTrans WoE? - Astroboi - 09-03-2009 01:48 AM

Diallo Wrote:
mahawirasd Wrote:keep it the way it is or as pistis said, increase eco to make it more Abuseable seeing how nobody goes for it. Just don't move it to another day, exactly like what pistis said, because we won't be able to hold a castle if we face actual competition.




I have a question for BS members, who seemingly all voted "leave it the way it is": Do you guys even LIKE WoE? Is WoE such a chore to you and your only reason to attend it is keeping your treasures and permanent guild dungeon? Because honestly that's what it looks like to me.

You all seem to enjoy the non-trans aspect of Aldebaran right? That's why you guys decided to WoE there. You are given the choice of a drastic improvement being applied to your non-trans woe: hypothetically 100 players from several guilds fighting for 1 castle with actual planning and strategies, no dull moments; action on every corner! How can you refuse THAT? My guild is currently holding Prontera and has been defending it for a while now, eco is getting fairly high, yet give me the possibility to drop it in exchange for an additional ~100 new WoE-active players (MORE ACTION = MORE FUN) and I will do it in the blink of an eye.

Nobody in their right mind enjoys sitting in a castle for 3 hours a week doing absolutely nothing... Nervermind, apparently you guys do. This only tells that you do it for the treasures/dungeon only. You don't care whether it is trans, non-trans, aldebaran, payon, THE MOON, all you want is your easy rewards. Thus, you are biased.

Please find a valid point other than "If a guild comes to a domination standard , then they can own 2 castle, increasing their wealth limit." which is a disguised "I don't even like WoE, I just want to reap easy rewards and If something changes I will lose my easy revenue." WoE is war, the strongest guild wins. Suck it up.*

Since you trust that aforementioned point to be rock-solid, I am still going??to refute it:
  • For the past 6 months where I've been back and actively woeing, there always has been a minimum of 2 opposing "high-tier" guilds (or alliance) and a few mid-tier ones pushing in. This still stands today and is not going to change anytime soon. The server has grown, the LW era is over. The only way such a powerhouse could see the day of light is if these 2 high-tier guilds came to an alliance. As the leader of one of the 2, I can say with certainty that it's never going to happen. Why? For Competition and fun sake, simply. Stepping on ants (lousy metaphor) gets lame and boring very fast. I talk for all my guild when I say that we WoE for fun, from the thrill of clashing with and vanquishing opposite guilds of equal or slightly different strength.
  • IF and I say IF a guild had to come to such a domination standard and held the non-trans castle as well, which means all the sacrifices that come with it: pressuring guildmates to train optimal classes for the guild and to be available for N-T as well as T WoE (moving out appointments and putting rl matters aside), having to farm twice the needed materials, dealing with the stress and criticism from other guilds etc, etc. All that for a mere 20 eco? Hell that's an assload of dedication, all they deserve is some e-respect for pulling that off.
  • There is only one non-trans castle, thus having to face ALL of the woeing community at once, constantly. Add to that the sky-high survavibility of non-trans; (no AD, EDP, CT, Mystic. Amp, Tarot...the stuff that can actually kill you in woe) high vit, good equips and a lot of potions and there you go, you're nearly invincible. The only Potential deadly skill is Asura, but its very limited agaisnt a group. Nidsrule already explained that point well in the other thread.

*(You know what that reminds me off? Perfectly able individuals living off welfare for way too long, too lazy and sugarcoated to look for a job, yet always ready to whine and manifest when the government talks about rethinking welfare distribution. A present controversial issue especially here in Quebec.)

RE: What do you want to happen with NonTrans WoE? - Pistis_Sophia - 09-03-2009 06:03 AM

You purposefully don't come. It's not the same thing.

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