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7 Word Game - Printable Version

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RE: 7 Word Game - Seyrus - 02-20-2010

mail, wings, sky, fall, crime, luscious, white

A few years ago Chris woke up from a bad nightmare with cold sweat on his forehead, it wasn't the first time he had that dream and normally he didn't remember anything about it. But this time it was different. Images were flashing right in front of his eyes and revealed a sacred place. Was this heaven? There was standing someone. A girl, dressend in a white robe with huge white wings on her back. Chris couldn't believe it, this must be an angel. Suddenly another person appeared behind the girl a man wearing a black robe. He wore a necklace with a huge luscious- green colored gem on it, and he held something in his hand, a mailbreaker. Unbelievable, was this man about to commit a huge crime? Chris wanted to scream, wanted to shout and warn the angel but he couldn't make a sound....

The alarm clock suddenly stopped his daydream. Time for work. He got up and opened the window and as he looked up in the sky his daydream went on again...

The only thing he still remembers of that dream today are pictures of a bleeding angel falling from the sky.

(Perfect words, thank you <3)

new 7 words:

sailor - microwave - save - horrible - bullet - lion - wheelchair

RE: 7 Word Game - katleoyumi - 02-20-2010

LMAO <3 the luscious word!

sailor - microwave - save - horrible - bullet - lion - wheelchair

A few years ago, there was a horrible incident involving a lion and a bullet. It all started when the sailor decided to buy himself a microwave so he can heat up food on his ship. Unfortunately, he did not think about where he would get electricity on the ship.

In order to save himself from a "told you so" from his older sister, he decided to try to create electricity on the ship all by himself. This caused him to lose an arm and while he was at sea with his useless microwave, a lion came and a nearby hunter named Seyrus tried to shoot it with his gun.

Sadly, Seyrus had really bad aim. He ended up sending the bullet right into the sailor's microwave. The microwave exploded and landed the sailor into a wheelchair.

Ever since, sailors never bought microwaves onto their ships again!

New Words:
forest - beauty - breakdown - amazing - let - green - games

RE: 7 Word Game - BabyRina - 02-20-2010

forest - beauty - breakdown - amazing - let - green - games

One night Alice had a breakdown before bed. She thought about the fun and games of her past life. As she closed her eyes she saw the lush, green forest. She remebered the time she let her dog, Toby, outside.

It was a beauty outside, the sun was shining after weeks of clouds and rain. Everything was amazing as she played with Toby, throwing a stick time after time. But suddenly everything turns dark and eerie, and Alice felt something was wrong. Toby had not came back yet which worried her. She ran across the field to see that Toby was no where to be found.

Tears streamed down her face as she recalled the memory. She never knew how much it hurt for someone to leave.

New words:
Family, plant, secret, tiger, sculpture, scarf, honey

RE: 7 Word Game - Story Teller - 02-21-2010

Long ago, there was a family of monks who kept a secret in their sacred monastery. A tiger sculpture that contained a plant that can make special honey for clothing that can enhance their magical powers.

However, it did not last as bandits attack their sacred land. The plant and the special clothes they made burnt by the fire of the invasion. One monk had escaped the devastating attack and with him was the last remaining magical clothe. A scarf that was imbued with the magic honey.

Centuries later, a boy finds the magical scarf in his family's storeroom and turns into a vigilante ninja known as "Haunt".


7 new words:

death, tarnish, top, friend, slime, word, daze

RE: 7 Word Game - Seyrus - 02-24-2010

death, tarnish, top, friend, slime, word, daze
(hmm... )

The day after...

Diary of James Milton - July 26th 2135:

Today is the seventh day after the big accident happened.
I can still only guess what happened here. It might have been an explosion or something really bad, that made the city look like this.
Everywhere is death, not a single human around, since i started my researches and i give my word i'll find out who's responsible for this. The first days after the big bang i was walking around in a daze. All those destroyed buildings and the tarnished metall parts around covered with creepy slime. So much experiments were made in the past, did one of those go wrong?

Yesterday i climbed to the top of one of the bigger boulders to have a better view.
I was shocked. Everything was destroyed. No sign of life.
Neither animals nor humans alive. it seems like i'm the last man standing.
But how could a man live without friends?

The Diary of James Milton
found on May 29th 2278

(PS.: don't take me too serious... but those words really inspired me to write something like this. No comments please.)
new 7 words:

whisper - branch - cell - accident - zoo - devil -undershirt

RE: 7 Word Game - katleoyumi - 02-24-2010

@ Seyrus: I really liked your story. It has inspired me to write a diary-like entry as well. :O:O

whisper - branch - cell - accident - zoo - devil -undershirt

Diary of Jennia Garoes - Feb. 24, 2010
Today I forgot to wear an undershirt. I went to the zoo with the little devils aka my triplets. They were running and screaming all over the place. I tried to get them to stop, but I stepped onto a dead branch on accident. The monster that was spawned was a swordfish and boy was it angry! It started waterballing me like mad and it didn't help that I was wearing a thin pink shirt. You can guess what happened next. People started to whisper and I tried to cover myself but the swordfish started to headbutt me with its face! I covered my chest with one hand and speed dialed my mother's number on my cellphone. Thankfully, she picked up and came to the zoo with my thick black jacket. I hope this never happens again. It was the most humiliating experience in my life. I really need to discipline the boys. Anyway, the boys are licking the walls again. I'll write in you later!

New Words:
bomb - socks - picture - snow - hot - murky - sad

RE: 7 Word Game - Story Teller - 02-25-2010

I wanna try too D:

Diary of Kain Lavahne - Feb 28, 3000

Four years had gone by since the day of my borderline defense conscription. Bombshells rained down from enemy airships as we hid in our murky trenches with our snow filled socks. As conditions here becomes worse, the death toll of soldiers rose. One by one, we send our dead comrades back to their sad families. But what keeps me on is the picture of my hometown Lantier, A scenery of the beautiful horizon that keeps me hot through cold times. Oh how I wish to be there now... to see my family... my friends... and you... Azalli...

Kain Lavahne - KIA [Killed in Action]
found January 01, 3002

New Words
wreck, intermission, sacred, time, ball, overwhelm, note

RE: 7 Word Game - TPC - 02-25-2010

What happened to the two stories I posted in this thread yesterday? They're gone, and so are two of linhs stories. Cry

Did someone delete them or something?

RE: 7 Word Game - katleoyumi - 02-25-2010

OMGAWD YOU'RE RIGHT! My story. -cries- I didn't even save a copy and I liked Byracka's story too. THIS IS AN UPRAGE!!

RE: 7 Word Game - BabyRina - 02-25-2010

Aww, I didnt get to read them! -sad-

My turn!
wreck, intermission, sacred, time, ball, overwhelm, note

Clouds were rolling over the sky, the sacred sun was disappearing. All life on earth was slowly beginning to die. Without the sun, everything was a wreck. No one can make food, or stay warm enough to live. Everyone was dying, accept for me.

Time was running out. I began to think why I was the only one to survive. The feeling overwhelmed me and I broke into tears. Family. Friends. Acquaintances. They were all gone. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. It was a note from my family asking me about my trip to Paris. Along with the note was a ball from my little brother. He had wanted me to remember him as I was half way around the world.

"Sigh. It is time to begin my journey." Day after day, I began my trek without an intermission. There was no point in stopping for food or water when there was none. Either way, I did not need it.

New words:
library - pizza - lemon - baby - clip - sticky - polish