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What Guild is right for me? - Printable Version

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RE: What Guild is right for me? - Kittie - 06-02-2010

Hi :3 i'm a member of Aesthetic ever since the guild started.

Actually to change some things, our guild leader is pretty active lately and seems the guild is also starting to get active again if i couldn't recall it active already again...

we had our days with 1-3 people online but the last few weeks every time i come online there between 5-10+ people online again, we recruited some new members and some old onces came back from their breaks or rejoined us :3

So tbh i wouldn't call Aesthetic dead anymore, also you may not see alot of people in Izlude but thats prob because most of us have different time zones and are mostly active in the evenings (evening for Europe), + lately i don't just "hang out" in town anymore since i'm partien alot or trying to either get stuff for myself and/or the guild storage :3 And most of our members have the same way of moving like i mentioned above about myself.

As for WoE, we dont WoE atm but we have future plans for WoE. We need to get our guildies geared up first and prepare ourself before we can really start being serious about it.

In my eyes Aes is a more close, fun family-ish like guild, we have a active guildchat and party regularly with each other from serious parties at common places to random places hardly anyone visits just for the fun, we also organize some guild events once in a while :3 Kiyo likes organize some events that are suppose to be for the fun and are their to get to know of each other a bit better.

Anyway, i hope you will find a nice guild you will feel home at and that will be able to satisfy your needs :3 I wish you alot of luck Icon_biggrin

RE: What Guild is right for me? - Zaratus - 06-02-2010

NE isn't dead, it is just ... exclusive.

Who the hell made Saiichi (who quit) the guy you should talk to if you want to join Ascension o_O? Is this official inguild too?

If you want weird parties, don't join BS, Behemoth or Ascension. Seriously.

RE: What Guild is right for me? - mahawirasd - 06-02-2010

What Aya said... i was just about to refer you to Matrim, but i refrained because i don't know how active he is right now...

now that Mat has replied with proper effort and explained all that, i really think you should try his guild out Ok

personally i would love to hang with FoH too, but lately me and my wife's been busy spending our playing time on helping out ppl in our own guild...

so yeah, weird parties with Matrim FTW! No1


RE: What Guild is right for me? - Namine - 06-02-2010

BS is BS.

K I'm done. Next guild please.

RE: What Guild is right for me? - Maryl - 06-02-2010

Feel free to drop by in Izlude.
I'm also from Aesthetic and happen to be an officer (Guess I just have invite rights and expel rights.. =P )

Just like Kittie said; We're pretty much a big family.
We don't do superbig parties at the moment because not all of us are in range. That will change! ;D
But we do have random parties every once in a while, just for fun =)
Our guild is more about the fun, not because we want really good gears (would be nice though). Maybe you should just visit when we're in Izlude, like Kittie also said;
evening in European times. Don't know where you are from ;D
But just hang out and maybe you'll like it. You can ask a lot more questions there if you want.

And Fires of Heaven seems a nice guild too. A lot of random parties.

RE: What Guild is right for me? - Aaronock - 06-02-2010

Coffee Break may be either merging with another guild, or getting new leadership. As is I'm not active enough to run a guild, whatever happens will of course be updated. We were mostly night time active anyway when we were active (8PM-12AM server time usually). This probably wouldn't really change even if the leadership changed hands.

RE:??What Guild is right for me? - Sepharius - 06-02-2010

Zaratus Wrote:Who the hell made Saiichi (who quit) the guy you should talk to if you want to join Ascension o_O? Is this official inguild too?

As far as I see, he's the only person recruiting for Ascension on main chat.

RE: What Guild is right for me? - Rurouni Kalain - 06-09-2010

Again, thank all of you at this point for all of your input, my search certainly is not over, other things were keeping me away. At first finishing the Nameless Quest (which I did, completely..killed the dead king (*sad*) by myself...though I did get 'help' from a party that was there at the time that killed everything that I was desperately trying to lure away, ha ha. I would have gotten them eventually but that certainly helped. Anyway, a few other things happened, including real life stuff but I don't all remember it---then there was just that this post is a bit hard to keep track of stuff, but I'm back to finish this..at least my search, ha ha.

I'm hoping to have my Guild picked in no more than 2weeks..very much aiming for next week, heh.

Now then...

Seems that Saiichi has split off and started up the Nya Nya Crew again and my friend I spoke of in my first posting has started a Guild. While that's great, I again am not looking right now for a Guild that is 'up and coming' as I've been there and done that. I feel that I will do that again, and enjoy it--I just don't want to now. BUT, I'm repeating myself aren't I? Evil

Motenai_Ronin Wrote:Anyhow, here's the short story of why Geonosis ground to a halt.
Not going to quote all of that as there is no need, but thank you very much for the interesting story---it seems I really have found a place where long-term dynamical stuff really does play in how the game is played. First time on a server where that was an issue to think about. While it's another factor in a busy life, it's one that I welcome as I feel better about if I felt I should take a break now and then. ^_^

Nero, you know we are buddies and I thank you very much for your input and I know you don't speak for all of your guild, but I think that this info is fairly accurate of a few aspects of the guild. So don't get mad at me. xD

Nero Wrote:WoE

war of emperion aight bud? some people like it some dont, in your case we are a very woe active guild and have some rules towards it for example you must woe atleast once a week
That right there is a clear example of the sort that am am NOT looking for. I'm all for WoE, but not if it's that much of a requirement.

Nero Wrote:Extended info on WoE builds/hunting
aswell just because you needa go to woe once a week (not long at all...just 1 hr of your life man) dosent mean you cant farm items for your MvP build aswell, if you want you can farm that build first and then USE that build for WoE AND for hunting your WoE gears
That certainly is true, but in the mean time I'm going to be mostly watching (and granted, LEARNING) from what everyone else is doing and not really doing much. If WoE is anything like how it was on my old servers, many healing items and whatnot are used even when you have good gear right? I tried that before...all that happens is that I would now and then have a victory, but most of the time I would just be wasting my zeny on potions (though, on this server now that I've started fishing...fish). Certainly wouldn't expect a lot from me compared to others that have more etc etc.

And hey, I'm not trying to put myself down, but only so much I can do ne? Ha ha.

Nero Wrote:Extended Extended info on WoE
ALSO if you miss one week of WoE its fine if you have some sort of valid reason (i missed cuz i got grounded once =O) OR you can farm some items for the guild, but of course you cant miss all the woe and farm all the time
Good to hear, but still just too WoE for me, I could work around it..buuut..
Nero Wrote:Finally *phew* Partys
we usally dont go to places like those you mentions, we go for places like Thors, Nameless Island, Endless Tower, THantos tower and such but if your on and other people are on and willing, you can gather up people to go have some FUN with you.

for our guilds MVP's sort of a solo thing but people sometimes would be more than willingly to bring you to their MVP trips (like me =O) and then you will beable to experience the MVP's of rangarok
Heh, well those two things are VERY much not what I'm looking for. I think I can best say it like this. *ahem* All those are great...heck, as of this posting I've never gone on a Thanatos run before, been in there on an old server, but never on a trip to the top. Endless Tower HELL yeah! Thors, would be awesome, Nameless woot woot..BUT..when I want to do something else, or go on a fun MvP (or any monster vs player really) hunt, I don't want it to be a hard thing to do. I don't want to have to be stuck with people that don't want to do those things or those that aren't really interested and just come along for the ride (and just aren't that into it to begin with).

I think that the Guild is great for those that love and want to do plenty of WoE and want to really lvl up with nice sized parties in tougher and new areas of Ragnarok Online. .............. I just haven't explored enough yet.

Simple, as I said before, the servers I was one kept going down on me so there's a lot I haven't experienced and always wanted to, ha ha. SO..I just don't think that Behemoth is right for me. I thank you very much however for all of your hard work buddy..and congrats on getting married to Izu tonight. ^_^

RE: What Guild is right for me? - Galt - 06-09-2010

You might want to double check that, Saii has left the server now.

RE: What Guild is right for me? - Shinibu - 06-10-2010

I would think im a representative of FP. Only problem is im lazy on advertisement, as is the rest of the guild...