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~a heRO story~ - Printable Version

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RE: ~a heRO story~ - Spire - 10-24-2007

Edit: Ok.. There will be more story time!(just later Sweat )

((Me and Rika made up btw))

RE: ~a heRO story~ - Altaire - 10-24-2007

Nice! Make more~ I'm enjoying this a lot Icon_biggrin

RE: ~a heRO story~ - Spire - 10-26-2007

Chapter 2: Reckoning

Rain filled the air, as A dark hooded figure stood in the trees.? A finely fasioned sword at the figures hip, and a Clip on the Garb that he wore resembled a skull. Sat?watching the heros walked on a path below it.

"Rain... Just great.." Spire said as he sat under a tree. Taking off one of his shoes to pour water out of it, he leaned back and closed his eyes.

"It's not that bad," Replied Static, "It can alwase get worse."

"Worse.. Static, now it will get worse." Rika said looking at him, she sighed. She knew, because he said that, that things would get worse.

"Worse?" a voice said from overhead. "Of course it will get worse."

The party looked up in horror as they noticed the figure above them. "Greetings, Light Skum." said the cloaked figure.??A sword could be seen on his person, but otherwise he was covered by his black garmet. "My Master sends his greetings." At those words Static drew his spear.

"You don't know who your messing with!" Static excalimed, drawing his mighty spear, knowing that this was a man of great power.

The man began to laugh, "You really think you stand a chance against a god general? All who come will fear my name, Loki."
The man dissipated at that word,and appeared next to static his sword overhead ready to deliver a deathblow; However Static's lighting fast reflexes saved him, Delivering a Fierce stab with his mighty Spear!

The Spear made contact, and was drawn out quickly But there wasappeared on Loki. Static was taken aback.??Both Spire and Rika were speachless, Why had the Spear not drawn blood? Loki looked down at the spear in his side, laughed, and Pushed Static back with one of his hands.??Static went Flying at least 30 feet untill the wet earth broke his fall.

"My master is afraid of you! How pathetic, but I think I'll have a little fun with you before I go." Loki said walking up to Static's body, Static couldn't move, he had been paralized by the assualt. Loki picked up Statics mighty spear, and a dark glow engulfed it. "There, now this should make things interesting." He turned away.

"What did you do!"??Static shouted, Taking to his feet.

"I just made things... interesting.." Loki said dissapearing into the shadows.

"Zephy.." Static said looking at his spear.??He swung it once in the air and.. something happened.. a glow engulfed the Spear,??and then.. it wasn't a spear anymore, it was a sword. "What.. the heck.. did he do.."

"Loki is the god of Chaos" a heavenly voice sounded, "He wants your journey to be filled with it, he is often irrational, but know that his curse is a blessing in disguise, it will aid you in the final battle.

"Who.. are you," Spire said, looking around.??But the voice had left.

RE: ~a heRO story~ - Rika - 10-26-2007

I think you offended the spear more than the Loki Sweat

RE: ~a heRO story~ - Master Chief - 10-26-2007


RE: ~a heRO story~ - Spire - 10-31-2007

(Aaaaaand another post!)

After Static had his wounds treated. The sky had already darkened, and the stars shone in the sky. After the long day of walking the party finally made it to the town of Alberta, a port city. Static let out a loud yawn, "I think.. I'm.. Getting..."

"Tired?" Spire said finishing Static's sentence.

"Yea.. That" Static replied with another long yawn,

"The guards should be able to tell us where an inn is." Rika said as she walked tword a guard and began to converse with him.

A short walk and 700 zenny later, The group was sitting in chairs in the local inn, all except static of course; who needed his rest.

"We are supposed to find another adventurer here in alberta, someone who can help us," Spire said to Rika, thinking, trying to figure out who could possably help them in a time such as this.

"We can ask around in the morning," Rika replied.


The next morning, Static awoke to people yelling in the street, he looked around, Rika and Spire were both missing. He gathered his gear quickly and ran out into the street, buildings were on fire and demons filled the air, Static knew the only thing that could be resposible. "Dam," Static said as he ran tword the sound of a building crashing, 'Find the leader and destroy it.' He thought. After turning into the town square Static quickly found a massive beast, a three headed dog, Static drew his mighty... Sword? Static looked down at it.. "Eh, a weapons a weapon." He said as he lunged tword the beast. It lunged at him, narrowly missing.
"Die foul beast!" Static yelled, As he swung the sword, drew blood, but just as static withdrew the blade it glew again, this time replaced with a Small hammer. "...What the.." static said as he looked at it. A claw of the beast caught him in his distraction, and knocked him back at a wall. Not a deathblow, for Statics mighty armor absorbed most of the blow. "My weapon changes.. each time I attack." Static said, "How can I fight when I don't even know my own weapon.."

Suddenly a yell was sounded, not a yell of fear, but.. not masculine.. something else.. like a girls battle cry?

A small cute girl appeared next to Static helping him to his feet. Her arm's were covered in bandages and she carried no weapons on her, she bent down low, and proceded to jump at least 20 feet into the air!

In a flurry of unarmed attacks she waisted the beast, and after it dissolved, the demons, seeing that their leader had been destroyed, ran away.

The girl walked back to Static, "Are you ok?" she asked

"Uh.. fine," Static replied, still in shock that a little girl had done, without a weapon, what he could not. "Who are you?" Static asked

"My name is Nyuu, its nice to meet you mr. uh.." the girl said extending her arm.

"Static," Static replied dusting himself off. "Have you seen a boy and a girl around here? Their names are Spire and Rika,"

"Oh no! You don't mean the two who got carried off my the demons do you!?"

(Weee!! all done! untill next time!)

RE: ~a heRO story~ - Aaronock - 10-31-2007

Spire Spire Spire you gotta write eventually about our race to get to trans and become strong! >_>

If you don't I can /heh

RE: ~a heRO story~ - Master Chief - 10-31-2007

Nice, more storyIcon_biggrin No1

RE: ~a heRO story~ - Spire - 11-01-2007

( Kissy more story time~)

Static staired into the sky, it had gotten dark, he had searched for Rika and Spire since that morning, Nyuu followed him, together they headed into the town of Payon, not far from Alberta. Static after asking around a bit found out that the demons had come from a cave on the outskirts of the town.

"They should be there," Nyuu said with a grin, she had been trying to cheer Static up, but he seemed determained to find his lost friends. "We really should stay in an inn tonight Stat," She said looking upward.

"No.. I'l not rest untill I find them." Static said, his face full of determination.

The two of them walked tword the edge of the town where the entrance was. They peered inside.

"Really dark in there.." Nyuu said, "I think we should wait.."

"No, I can't stop now," Static said as he decended into the darkness of the cave.

Nyuu just stared into the inky blackness. "Ok.." She walked inside.

The cave was dark and the stench of rotting meat filled the air, The two pressed on into it.

(Thats all for today)

RE: ~a heRO story~ - Master Chief - 11-01-2007

Dark and evil cavesEvilNo1