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Can SomEonE HelP Plz?? - Printable Version

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RE: Can SomEonE HelP Plz?? - cloudsea - 11-16-2007

where can i find november patch?

Just waiting for the heropatch.exe to processing??

RE: Can SomEonE HelP Plz?? - Former-GM-Law - 11-16-2007

Sorry for my lack of response, it can be found in the 'Downloads' section of the forums.

RE: Can SomEonE HelP Plz?? - cloudsea - 11-16-2007

oo thx Icon_biggrin
n nvm!!!

RE: Can SomEonE HelP Plz?? - GM-Pandora - 11-16-2007

Try just the november patch first, reapply it, make sure you select your RO folder, and launch hero.exe to play.

If that doesnt work we can look at other options, such as the full download.

RE: Can SomEonE HelP Plz?? - cloudsea - 11-16-2007


Such Item Really didnt work.

I would Look For the FUll DL!Icon_wink

Thx u GM Pandora~