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What stops you from RPing? - Printable Version

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RE: What stops you from RPing? - Sakurato - 04-24-2009

albus Wrote:No "true" role play character would have 130 STR and like 1 INT and still be able to speak comprehensibly.

What type of scholar are you again Icon_biggrin?

I think you should re-write your post based on true role-playing :D.

RE: What stops you from RPing? - Ellie - 04-24-2009

"Hulk smash!"

RE: What stops you from RPing? - Rei Ayanami - 04-24-2009

believe it or not, if we all truly roleplay our char as how we make our build, JJJ would be a super baby that someday will one day grow up to be cute and cuddly super-teddyman with pompoms and ribbons. considering J's baby is lvl 9x.

my paladin would probably be a super healthy, super nerd. which makes absolutely no sense to me.

I agree with inna regarding "Hulk Smash!" if you consider the super str with 1 int build.

high dex agi snipers would be? they proly could make millions of dresses hand made in a matter of minutes.

mmm, what would TU priests be? daily lottery winners?

RE: What stops you from RPing? - Ellie - 04-24-2009

Snipers would be child slave labour? oO

*now knows why there are so many Cotton shirts around that even Porings have them*

RE: What stops you from RPing? - Snejk - 04-25-2009

RP is always ruined every time by someone saying roleplay-forbidden words like exp, level, buffs, 'plz', etc. There aren't enough people roleplaying to have it make any sense - unless you meet someone else doing it when still on a low level. Would be nice if a group of people just decided on making new chars and doing RP together from the beginning just for the fun of it. If it happens, I'm in.

And about the characters' personality, it's really not a hard thing to come up with. I have an explanation for everything in my character - including server changing, and the previous RO experience. Stats/skills actually have nothing to do with the personality at all.

RE: What stops you from RPing? - BlueAlchemy - 04-27-2009

My main issue with RPing is that theres almost no one who does it, back when I was still an alchemist Aaronock, Linnea and possibly Oniichan used to roleplay quite a bit plus there was a RP event revolving around em so I had a good chnace to get involved during that time frame, but now, theres just nothing

RE: What stops you from RPing? - Pyronic - 04-27-2009

Maybe if we had role play events regularly it would help? Only role players allowed.

Even then i never really notice anyone role playing.

RE: What stops you from RPing? - Yuufa - 04-27-2009

Well Ill throw in my two cents.

IMO, Roleplaying, or RPing for short, is fun. =D Even if its not on the storyline the game has setup up :3 But RPign say, you and 3 friends make a history for your chars that intertwine with each other, you can RP otu a new history. Ill give a somewhat example.

On a RP server i migrated from, I played a char whos sprite feature was the Ghost sprite from Lighthalzen BioLabs. I made a history sayign my char was a girl who was experimented on in Bio Labs (Never played Official IRO so I cant say what exactly happend in Bio, so sorry if im wrong on evertyhing.), DUring RP my chars attitde towards everyone was Sour and recluse, But normally Im a nice person =p

-Back to My point-

Basiclly if you and a bunch of people wanna setup a RP between yourselves, Talk it out, Making something thatll be interesting for you and your friends.

In time ill make a history for my char when i get the Client DLed =D.

and Ill post updates on things that happen :3 So its like a never ending.

Sorry if i went off into a rave xD

RE: What stops you from RPing? - Yuriohs - 04-28-2009

Well im down for starting something like that.

RE: What stops you from RPing? - Yuufa - 04-29-2009

Lol i could think of a large RP that would inolved 20+chars xD(not comapred to heROs story RP but still 20 is alot xD)

back on topic

What kills RP for me is nubz who dont know how to rp or dont know how to be proper in grammar during RP.