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vending map - Printable Version

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RE:??vending map - Sepharius - 05-13-2009

Motenai_Ronin Wrote:^ @ frogboy
If we have a vending map, prime vending spots won't be a hassle anymore.
Basically if you have to warp to the map, you're prepared to look at all vendors for what you want

The Pros of vending map are outweighing the doubts / cons or the We're just lazy and don't want this reasons

There is only ONE location you can warp to on the vend map, I'm assuming. Therefore, the "prime" vending spots will shift from the areas closest to the warp in Prontera, to the areas closest to the warp on the vending map.

Not much of a difference.

RE: vending map - Little Sara - 05-13-2009

Personally, the prime vending spot is the one selling the stuff I want for the most cheap. Not the closest shop to me or whatever.

RE:??vending map - Sepharius - 05-13-2009

Little Sara Wrote:Personally, the prime vending spot is the one selling the stuff I want for the most cheap. Not the closest shop to me or whatever.

Yes, but not everyone has the same mindset; those with the lazy mindset just look at the closer shops, and if said shops have something for sale they want, they buy it without looking twice.

Thank goodness we have none of those people here. Laugh (I think)

RE: vending map - Mister Reinn - 05-22-2009

Then, if you set the warp to random place, you cant determine a "prime spot". it was like that at my old server. the warp npc would warp you to the vending map, randomly. But the npc who would warp you back was stacked to one place Icon_razz a map like Izlude would make impossible to have prime spots, if you put four warp npcs, one in each side of Izlude, North, South, West and East.

RE: vending map - Cheesecake - 05-25-2009

I think that there should be some way of spreading out the venders so 50 dont load at once.. I have to zoom in a lot to click them properly, as is, and they lag the hell out of me. Not to mention just that but I also recall around 2 years ago when Pront was practically void of Merch anyway and it wasn't a ghost town. So why would relocating the venders make it any different? It would look more like a town and not a road bordered by white things. Also, duels in Pront wouldn't floor glitch so often.. I hate running into a mess of merchants when I try to target someone ~_~

RE: vending map - Hat - 05-28-2009

I just want to say that besides the lagging, what bugs me the most is simply that the shops are too close together and I thus often am unable to click on some shops. If it were possible I'd want there to be some kind of rule where you can't vend two or so spaces near another vendor.

RE: vending map - Ellie - 05-28-2009

Hat, spin your screen so that the edges of the shops make like a stairs shape, and then aim for the corners.

RE:??vending map - Sakurato - 05-28-2009

Hat Wrote:I just want to say that besides the lagging, what bugs me the most is simply that the shops are too close together and I thus often am unable to click on some shops. If it were possible I'd want there to be some kind of rule where you can't vend two or so spaces near another vendor.

That's a terribad idea D:.

That would be like...making it seem we have even MORE vendors. People would have to walk 2x as far to see ALL the vendors...oh man that woudl be bad lol.

Vendirs taking up 200% space FTW!

RE: vending map - Matrim Cauthon Jr - 11-06-2009

I approve of the idea of a vending map.