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Pictures =D - Printable Version

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RE: Pictures =D - ShadesOfBlue - 01-25-2007

heres mine
[Image: 1166649580-allatok_07.jpg]

RE: Pictures =D - ClouD1 - 01-25-2007

and your cat bite u? i am scared for this cat Icon_cry

RE: Pictures =D - GM-Pandora - 01-25-2007

[Image: gmpanda3gx.jpg]

Trust me, the sprite is much prettier ^_^

And, cute kitty Anaksunamun Icon_lol

RE: Pictures =D - ClouD1 - 01-25-2007

Pand /sob Icon_cry

i want see ur real photo T_T sure u are more pretty :o <3 Icon_razz

mmm for this comentary sure i win 100000 OCA Icon_smile hahaha pand Icon_razz

RE: Pictures =D - GM-Pandora - 01-25-2007

Why can't you trust my judgement? Icon_wink

Anyway, the answer still no! Icon_lol

RE: Pictures =D - ClouD1 - 01-25-2007

is difficult to explain pand but im sure u are pretty ^_^

why the answers is always no? hahahaha

u know me always fun with all the ppll Icon_razz

RE: Pictures =D - Static - 01-26-2007

Panda we will always love you your the greatestIcon_wink so do not fear if people dont like your picture, because if they dont like it then i shall make them fall with my new GODLY wings of Power, Speed and Yellowness(dont know what yellow has to do with it but its uber pwnage)

As for me, I should post my picture soon(need LK armor to wear first though)Icon_twisted

RE: Pictures =D - GM-Pandora - 01-26-2007

I'd rather people see me as that sprite, anyway it's more mysterious this way Icon_wink

Who knows, maybe someday I'll post one. I have a pic of me with a panda! (Not a real one unfortunatly, just a stuffed teddy-panda) ^_^

RE: Pictures =D - Enfermeira Joy - 01-26-2007

Well >__>
do give her a little bit of privacy, I'd love to see your picture too Panda, but if she's not going to be happy about putting it here, why insist and make her unconfortable? u.u
In time she'll realize what a wonderful person she is(I bet she's hot too xD!) and how loved and adored by us she is and will post the pic here \o.
He I don't have a cat, I have a dog =] Big BIG dog \o\ she bit me once when I tried to give a cookie, and I had to go to the hospital LOL! \o\ YAAAAY

RE: Pictures =D - Pyronic - 01-26-2007

GM-Pandora Wrote:I'd rather people see me as that sprite, anyway it's more mysterious this way Icon_wink

Who knows, maybe someday I'll post one. I have a pic of me with a panda! (Not a real one unfortunatly, just a stuffed teddy-panda) ^_^

agreed Icon_smile