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Add WSS to Bee wing! - Printable Version

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RE: Add WSS to Bee wing! - Ash~ - 12-26-2012 03:35 AM

nooo way ..empty bottles here i come >o

also are u saying people dont have enough pots atm ? thats why they dont ct/ ad / edp ? O.o

RE: ??Add WSS to Bee wing! - Merellis - 12-26-2012 08:16 AM

ChaosPrince Wrote:I stopped reading here...
Cheese sell for what 1.6k? Dude, if you WSS on Bwing + farm at WSS spots, you could EASILY get 1500+ WSS/hour. (3500z each) who's laughing now?
Considering all the WSS that I farm get turned into Slims for WoE and other things, I guess I'm laughing? I just still don't get the point of adding them when there are still those areas which are so god damned easy to farm to get the damn things in the first place.

Though I am amused that despite the complaining of the price of WSS, people are still buying it for 3500 a piece.

I dunno it just seems silly to add it when there are already places the yield at least 1 per kill while the Bwings certainly won't get that high. Icon_razz

It's almost as if most of these people just don't want to farm where the damn things drop and would rather complain and get them on an item so they don't have to put in the minuscule amount of effort needed to just go farm them.

It boggles the mind. It's almost like I'm talking to this giant wall that just keeps going on about how WSS are too expensive and that having them on wings will make farming easier, when in fact there are three monsters that drop them at 100% per kill.

And given that we're now going in complete circles of arguments, I'm done with this thread! Because none of you are going to agree, and I'm not going to agree.

RE: Add WSS to Bee wing! - azurerogue - 12-26-2012 12:48 PM

Actually Chaos, zeny sinks can only work ONE way.??By taking zeny out of the economy.??Preventing more zeny from entering the economy may accomplish many similar things and it may work similarly - but it is NOT the same thing.??

Also, your argument seems to be that we should increase the duration of battles and thus the number of potions used in them.??Sure!??Because protracted battles of repetitively mashing the same 2 or 3 keys is what makes the game MORE fun, right???That and increased amounts of farming.??Always my top two features when looking for new games.

RE: Add WSS to Bee wing! - Seth~ - 12-26-2012 01:45 PM

Merellis Wrote:And if your looking to get on the Alchemist list, make some friends, get them to be on classes that can up your % success rate then sell your brewing services
For my own brewing I do buy help ingame and the rest I get from rl help
Merellis Wrote:or even brew for free with people who bring you all the items needed
I am open to brewing slim whites for other players as long as they provide the fat whites and wws. Mind you the primary reason the 1st and 2nd rank is so way up there is god items. For that same reason I had many ppl compare me to them thus I didnt bother much afterwards.
Merellis Wrote:or just go hunt them you lazy brewer
Seth~ Wrote:I buy like 10-20% (i think of my wws) for brewing.
Merellis Wrote:I dunno it just seems silly to add it when there are already places the yield at least 1 per kill while the Bwings certainly won't get that high.
Seth~ Wrote:wws is more numerously used compared to the items that you say it can be compared to that is excluded from the bee wings
Merellis Wrote:who wants to do that when they can just ask the GM's to add more and more items to a single pair of wings so they don't have to ever leave their favorite farming location?
Bathory requires farming requires bathory armor so yah I could not in my logical mind over the long term farm wss with bee wings at bathory but I can verit, or sleeper map ect. Laziness is a product of I wanna be somewhere else that is what the GM should discourage imo.?+ I am not lazy if I buy a tiny fraction of my wss from ppl.
Why was bee wings added?
Your primary argument is that adding wss to bee wings will be [too] beneficial to some brewers, zeny wise. In addition you attack the basic idea behind bee wings. That is what I get from your argument. yet you do not reply on
Seth~ Wrote:wws is more numerously used compared to the items that you say it can be compared to that is excluded from the bee wings
Merellis Wrote:I'm done with this thread! Because none of you are going to agree, and I'm not going to agree.
I'd be so sad if you concede that its biased to leave wss out of bee wings.*insert a fake pic of Merellis picketing against bee wings*

@Ash~ I've had a offer for ih totay 1,5k; i'd buy for 1.2k and lower. that is slightly lower than before bee wings, yet it is not so oversupplied that its vending.
mahawirasd Wrote:imho bee wings have done a far greater "offense" by allowing immortal hearts and karvo...

i wasn't much of a farmer, but my wife and i made a bit of money supplying immo hearts and karvo before bee wings. I reckon people still farm and sell them today, so i contend that the same will happen with WSS (should they ever be added to bee wings)
Ash~ Wrote:also are u saying people dont have enough pots atm ? thats why they dont ct/ ad / edp ? O.o
Yes and by adding wss it would bring bee wings into more of a balance with other items added in bee wings. The general tenancy to increase class specific items required for skills got a major boost from bee wings. In the long term such acts will probably make the server more healthy. Laziness is a product of I wanna be somewhere else that is what the GM should discourage imo.??

/pat ChaosPrince

Seth~ Wrote:In conclusion as someone else pointed out. http://pandoraonline.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=22819&page=3 Most ppl out there in the hero server believe its ok to keep things the way they are. This whole thing feels like a class based act
Sorry for the wall of text. I would not just concede that to leave wss out of bee wings is fair until proven wrong.??

RE:??Add WSS to Bee wing! - azurerogue - 12-26-2012 02:37 PM

Seth~ Wrote:Mind you the primary reason the 1st and 2nd rank is so way up there is god items. For that same reason I had many ppl compare me to them thus I didnt bother much afterwards.??

My brewer was #1 on that list before Behemoth had any god items, so please don't make statements like that.??I've always had optimal success rates for the gear available to me.??

Brisingamen provide a 1.3% success chance increase each.??Nimble Orlean's Gloves provide a 0.5% success chance increase each.??That means TWO God Items provide a cumulative 1.6% increase in success chances for brewing slim whites.??Woo!

Similarly, a Mjolnir increases success by 4%.??An Excalibur increases success by 1.15%.??So that's a 2.85% success increase for a god item.

Man, you all had better camp castles for 3+ years so you can get these god items - they're totally game breaking for brewing, amirite???Even if you had all three god items that benefit brewing you'd come out less than 5% ahead of those who have good gear that they could have farmed solo.

No, Astaroth is #1 because of regular need for brewing and the help of a great group of people willing to play supportive roles for brewing on a constant basis - NOT because of god items.

EDIT: Unrelated, but how in the world does Bathory farming require Bathory armor? They're level 44 monsters with 0 defense and less than 6k hp. They used to be one of THE spots to level undergeared characters.

RE: Add WSS to Bee wing! - Seth~ - 12-26-2012 03:50 PM

About your/guild god item gears I am not into starting a flame about it. Honestly i thought until you started brewing again that you where inactive from brewing. Then you shot up, its probably partly due to better gears and probably due to a massive supply of wss from your guild. Awesome for you.

About woe for god items I doubt I can easily attempt to muster what you have done atm. ppl/guilds with such old players that nearly exclusively have access to the items that is required for god items runs a monopoly on it. All the talk about vets, guys like you??is in a class of your own for argument sake demi-gods. Until I have better uses of a guild aka use of god items/access to items that is required to make them the monopoly on god item creation/use prevents me from entering woe. Mind you I continuously farm pvp based gears since its not a hopeless project just nearly hopeless.

With regards to farming I approach it very logical. What uses least amount of resources (is this case slim whites) for the most wss. For you i'll probably reevaluate the usefulness of bathory armor when bee wings has wss or; what uses least amount of resources (is this case slim whites) for the most wss.

@Merellis to my knowledge the only party assist for brewing that i am not using is curse via lbw for instance. heresy claims it adds hours to brewing time.

RE: Add WSS to Bee wing! - azurerogue - 12-26-2012 04:00 PM

Are you kidding? I just proved to you mathematically how you can achieve similar brewing success without ANY god items. I also have only used god items during WoE maybe three or four times - ever. I also don't have any MVP cards and my only mini-boss card is an Angeling.

You can easily get a group of people together with minimum gear (Thara, Beret, Raydric, whatever) and be competitive in WoE. And of course guilds who hold castles have a monopoly on god items - that's the only way to get them.

As far as brewing is concerned, however, god items are nearly a non-factor - they're just a small boost relative to everything else you need to do to properly set up for brewing.

RE: Add WSS to Bee wing! - Seth~ - 12-26-2012 04:21 PM

I do not claim to know how the god items affect the /alchemist points you get. wss is for slim whites. Slim whites is a byproduct that must be used somehow.

The economy castle is most always heavily guarded. I assume that it generates items required for god items. Besides until I have better uses of a guild aka use/access to god items or generation thereof. The monopoly on god item creation/use prevents me from entering woe.

Back to the wss in bee wings. Exclusion of wss in bee wings most probably in the long term prevents the ascension of the "vets" from gaining "demi-god" status. The opposite also is likely more wss more resources more better gears ect... However I believe non-"demi-gods" will comparatively gain faster better gears and thus be more able to oppose the economy castle stronghold. Why non-"demi-gods" hopefully use available resources more wisely to obtain better gears to be able to challenge the economy castle stronghold. ***mind you the last paragraph is more crap based logic of why Seth do not woe, so if flawed refer to class struggle between the have's-and-have-not's.*** I think I am awake enough for wss farming byes.

RE: Add WSS to Bee wing! - azurerogue - 12-26-2012 05:44 PM

You way overvalue god items / veteran players. Demi-god status? You can get that on any character with proper resists (CK is nice, but not necessary). BG gears make it even more possible to stack resistance to absurd degrees, and anyone can get those (although heRO makes it WAY more difficult than necessary imo).

I'm not sure if you're confused or if I'm misreading what you're saying - but if you're saying the monopoly on god item components KEEPS you from WoEing then you're confused... because the only way to GET god item components is from WoE chests which means if you don't WoE you'll never ever get them.

I'm not sure what you expect - this is simply how god items work. Any castle can generate certain god item components. The more eco a castle has the more chests it gets the more chances at god item components specific to that castle.

RE: Add WSS to Bee wing! - Gojira - 12-26-2012 05:50 PM

Albus, you're talking to a guy who left every guild on the server after 1 month because he didn't feel he had enough advantages being in the said guilds, you're wasting your time.