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Razorblade Soldiers - Printable Version

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RE: Razorblade Soldiers - Craix - 12-05-2007


(knows capslock=cool)

RE: Razorblade Soldiers - Rhino_Man - 12-05-2007

just for that you must leech me to glorious trancendance!

RE: Razorblade Soldiers - Beeman - 12-05-2007

Meteor Storm couldn't hope to compare with ME in any undead/demon situation.First off, the meteors create their own little areas of effect within the large cast space. Also, each meteor only hits, what, four times? I'm not too good with meteor storm as I've never used it much but each one of those meteors hits in a random spot in the cast area so you'd have to have your mob spread out pretty well to take every meteor's worth of damage...but then they probably wouldn't die by the spell...well, maybe a few of 'em would do the trick.

Point: ME>MS

E is earlier on in the alphabet so you should have known that from the start, sillies.

RE: Razorblade Soldiers - Craix - 12-06-2007

woo go beeman. his logic is infallible

RE: Razorblade Soldiers - Rhino_Man - 12-06-2007

I got three words for ya.

Amplify Magical Power.

RE: Razorblade Soldiers - Lysander - 12-06-2007

And I have one word for you Rhino: rutabaga

RE: Razorblade Soldiers - Craix - 12-06-2007

And I have 2 words for all of you >.>

cuddle puddle

also, woo for our guild thread turning to spam

RE: Razorblade Soldiers - Rhino_Man - 12-06-2007

4 words:

You are all goobers.

RE: Razorblade Soldiers - Frogboy - 12-06-2007

4 more words: I rule you all!

oh and howdy guild, bout time i signed up isn't it?

RE: Razorblade Soldiers - Beeman - 12-06-2007

You've been in the guild before almost anyone else :o

And to rhino: Amplify magic is only fifty percent. It still wouldn't even hope to compare to the multiple crippling waves of attacks dealt during a single ME. The only thing you've got over ME is cast time.