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Just out of Curiosity - Printable Version

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Just out of Curiosity - The Legendary Joe - 05-25-2009

I was wondering, would it be possible that we could amend the @showexp command so that, according to our preference the lines only showed base or job exp?

Some of us don't really care as much for base exp, especially as trans characters, but it still gets depressing looking at the 0.00% base gain each kill. I've wanted to switch it so @showexp could Omit the base exp readout, but keep the Job exp readout.

Is it feasible?

RE: Just out of Curiosity - Quesadilla - 05-27-2009

@showexp gets its information and output server-side, if I remember correctly. I think it could be possible, but not feasible, as it's not a huge issue.

RE: Just out of Curiosity - Cheesecake - 05-27-2009

On that note..


RE: Just out of Curiosity - azurerogue - 05-28-2009

@showdrops? You mean to see ANY drops or only certain drops? o.O

RE: Just out of Curiosity - Motenai_Ronin - 05-28-2009

you can already turn off all drop notices under the options for battlelog

RE: Just out of Curiosity - Cheesecake - 05-28-2009

Battle log D; I mean like @showdrops .03

RE: Just out of Curiosity - Motenai_Ronin - 05-28-2009

By enabling @autoloot 0.03 you can also stop the messages, you just won't get the items either.

RE: Just out of Curiosity - Cheesecake - 05-28-2009

Thanks but I knew that. o.O