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Taekwondo/StarGladiator/SoulLinker - Printable Version

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Taekwondo/StarGladiator/SoulLinker - Balmung - 01-27-2006

I was just wondering if the GM's would implement the new classes such as Taekwondo Boy, Star Gladiator and Soul Linker.

Concidering they are already implemented in Athena Code and nearly fully functionnal (exept for Jump of the taekwondo boy that probably won't be fonctionnal for a while because it goes again's eAthena core rules and some Soul Linker soul boost for other classes, but solo still work fine and some boost too) and would be a nice add-on to the server.

Taekwondo Boy/Girl:
[Image: walk2.gif] [Image: walk2.gif]

Star Gladiator:
[Image: walk1_2.gif] [Image: walk1_2.gif]

Soul Linker:
[Image: walk2.gif] [Image: walk2.gif]

I was asking this question concidering these are official updates by Ragnarok and not made up classes.

Also wondering of the 2-1 and 2-2 quest skill will be added to the server?
Which are:


* Charge Attack

Class: Knight
SP Taken: 40

Description: Charge at the single enemy that's away from you at range immediately. Further the enemy is from you, higher your ATK will be, but also increase your casting time of this skill.

* Shrink
Active Skill

Class: Crusader
SP Taken: 15

Description: If you successfully defend using Auto-Guard skill, you will push the enemy away from you by 2 cells. This skill lasts 5 minutes, and using the skill again while it is active will cancel the effect of the skill. The chance of pushing the enemy back is 5% at Auto-Guard LV 1, up to 50% at LV 10 of Auto-Guard.

* Sonic Acceleration
Passive Skill

Class: Assassin

Description: The accuracy of Sonic Blow will be increased by 50 (to HIT rating), and its attack power will be increased by 10%.

* Venom Knife
Active Skill

Class: Assassin
SP Taken: 15

Description: Can only be used when you have item "Venom Knife" equipped. When you use the skill, you throw the knife to attack an enemy at range. The targeted enemy has very high chance of getting afflicted by poison status ailment. Do note, using this skill will delete Venom Knife from your equipment listing.

* Close Confine

Class: Rogue
SP Taken: 25

Description: For 10 seconds, you grab a single enemy, making them unable to move. Also at the same time, you cannot move. While you grab onto someone, you will have +10 bonus to FLEE. If either the victim or you die, or should any of them teleport away, this skill is cancelled.

* Phantasmic Arrow
Active Skill

Class: Hunter
SP Taken: 10

Description: A skill that allows you to attack with bow even if you do not have an arrow, by creating an arrow of illusion. It has 150% of your ATK power, and if it hits the enemy, it pushes them back by 3 cells.

* Pang Voice
Active Skill

Class: Bard
SP Taken: 20

Description: The bard screams out at a single target, causing them to be afflicted with status ailment Confuse. This does not work against the Boss type monsters.

* Wink of Charm

Class: Dancer
SP Taken: 40

Description: Charm a target by sending them a sexy wink. For that 10 seconds, the target monster will not attack you. Higher your level is when compared to the monster, the higher chance of this skill working. If this skill is used on a player, it has low chance of causing "Confuse" status ailment. This skill only works to Demi-humans, Angels and Demon type monsters, and obviously, doesn't work versus Boss-type monsters.

* Unfair Trick
Passive Skill

Class: Blacksmith

Description: Reduces the Zeny consumed by Mammonite by 10%.

* Greed

Class: Blacksmith
SP Taken: 10

Description: When you use this skill, all items within 2 cells of the Blacksmith will straight go to his inventory. It is not possible to use this skill in Siege Mode (WoE) or in PvP mode. Do note this skill does not bypass the order of who gets an item first. EX) You cannot use this skill to snatch an item when another player has the first priority over the item dropped.

* Redemptio

Class: Priest
SP Taken: 400

Description: Kill yourself (and receive EXP penalty), but revive every other dead party members near you. All revived players will have recovered 50% of their HP. More party members you revive, the less EXP penalty you get. Casting time is 4 seconds, and this skill ignores DEX for casting time reduction.

* Ki Translation

Class: Monk
SP Taken: 40

Description: Give a single Spirit Sphere you currently have to another party member.

* Ki Explosion

Class: Monk
SP Taken: 20

Description: By focusing the energy to the palm of your hand, attack the enemy to deal damage and push them away. The target enemy receives 300% damage, and nearby monsters will be pushed away by 2 cells and also be in 2 seconds of stun. Every time you use this skill, you will receive small HP penalty cost.

* Sight Blaster
Active Skill

Class: Wizard
SP Taken: 40

Description: The fire (similar from the effect from Sight) will circle around you, protecting you for 2 minutes. Any opponents that are on you will receive damage equalling to your MATK, and push them back. After dealing damage once, it disappears. The knockback effect does not work in Siege Mode (WoE).

* Elemental Change

Class: Sage
SP Taken: 30

Description: Change the target monster's elemental property to another. You can only change them to either Fire, Earth, Wind, or Water. Do remember this... the moment you learn this skill, you must choose an element that this skill will change the enemy into. The elemental you choose will be the only elemental property you can change the enemy's property to! This skill consumes "Elemental Converter" item.

* Create Converter

Class: Sage
SP Taken: 30

Description: Create an "Elemental Converter" item. You can create a converter based on 4 basic elementals.

Fire-Elemental Converter: 10 Tail of the Scorps + 1 Blank Scroll
Earth-Elemental Converter: 7 Hard Horn + 1 Blank Scroll
Wind-Elemental Converter: 12 Rainbow-Colored Shell + 1 Blank Scroll
Water-Elemental Converter: 10 Snail Shell + 1 Blank Scroll

= Special Notice: A player can only learn one Elemental Change skill. =

* Elemental Change :: Water

Class: Sage
SP Taken: 30

Description: Changes target monster's elemental property into Water.

* Elemental Change :: Fire

Class: Sage
SP Taken: 30

Description: Changes target monster's elemental property into Fire.

* Elemental Change :: Earth

Class: Sage
SP Taken: 30

Description: Changes target monster's elemental property into Earth.

* Elemental Change :: Wind

Class: Sage
SP Taken: 30

Description: Changes target monster's elemental property into Wind.


If the answer is positive, it would be nice to have a date, even if its not fix, like (in 3weeks, etc) or if a no, at least a reason why.

Thank you

RE: Taekwondo/StarGladiator/SoulLinker - Manifus - 01-27-2006

I tihnk all that stuff would be added if we switched over to the latest SVN ^_-

RE: Taekwondo/StarGladiator/SoulLinker - Eldakar - 01-27-2006

I cant wait for this update.

Monk will have an AoE skillIcon_eek

RE: Taekwondo/StarGladiator/SoulLinker - Sodo - 01-27-2006

We can't get these things. The GMs are against recompiling of the server files, and this would require that. Would be cool if they did though... =D

RE: Taekwondo/StarGladiator/SoulLinker - GM-Pandora - 01-27-2006

Actually, if the taekwondo/startgladiator/soullinker are in the athena svn it does not force us to recompile anything.

However, anyone with their client not updated to the gravity patch where they released those classes would crash at the sight of someone with one of those job.

RE: Taekwondo/StarGladiator/SoulLinker - Tenshi - 01-27-2006

go go go!

RE: Taekwondo/StarGladiator/SoulLinker - Balmung - 01-27-2006

Actually its not the GM but the players responsability to have their client updated.

The server shouldn't have to be holded back in its evolution because of those who refuses to update their clients.

Those who crash are those who did not update their client the way they should have, that is also why some used to crash because of the haircuts or whenever something new is implemented.

Rather than thinking of holding back, we should think about a solution.

RE: Taekwondo/StarGladiator/SoulLinker - Tenshi - 01-27-2006

like I said...
Make 'em crash! WOOOOOO!

RE: Taekwondo/StarGladiator/SoulLinker - Sodo - 01-27-2006

I'm just speaking through previous experience with suggesting things. Icon_razz

If it requires a recompile, the GMs are usually hesitant twards it.

RE: Taekwondo/StarGladiator/SoulLinker - Balmung - 01-27-2006

These updates don't need to be recompiled. They are already implemented into eAthena.

GM only need to recompile if they add something which is 'not' in the eAthena sourcecode.

Taekwondo and all other classes already work and are on HeRO, all they need to do is add the NPC in the game for players to be able to play them.