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Custom Classes - Printable Version

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Custom Classes - Snowhawk - 10-19-2009

Just wondering if they are allowed? On the High rate I moved from, Me and four others were working on Custom Classes for the server, but then we got word of the 3rd generation Classes and two of our customs were exactly like them except different sprites and skills. I really wouldn't mind digging up some of what we started and trying again, but I'd need a coder and a spriter as my sprite skillz suck epically.

RE: Custom Classes - Kulluminatii - 10-19-2009

So basically you have the idea of the class, yet you expect someone else to code it and another person to draw it up for you? Thinking

Sorry to break it to you, but I doubt it will happen. We probably won't ever have 3rd class on this server...let alone user created ones.

RE: Custom Classes - Sakurato - 10-19-2009

Snowhawk Wrote:Just wondering if they are allowed???On the High rate I moved from, Me and four others were working on Custom Classes for the server, but then we got word of the 3rd generation Classes and two of our customs were exactly like them except different sprites and skills.??I really wouldn't mind digging up some of what we started and trying again, but I'd need a coder and a spriter as my sprite skillz suck epically.

So they were completely different then?

To put in a class you have to takeout an existing class and replace it with your custom OR edit the source code to allow more both of which im sure wont happenIcon_biggrin

RE: Custom Classes - Snowhawk - 10-19-2009

Well no only the sprites and skills were different, but name and way to get them were exactly the same. We had started to make a Rune Knight, but ours didn't use Magic Runes, ours was just a bulkier looking Knight sprite. It also just had more melee attacks. Rune was short for Runic Knight because the GM hated the name Runic. Other was Mechanic which was nothing like the one now as we made it closer to Black Smith. The Mechanic would make more weapons and crud like that, even some custom items from the Server.

As for the removal. We didn't have too when we tested some of them out. We finished one completely and were testing the other three when the GM decided to shut the server down. We still had all the original classes available as well as one of the customs. >.> which was a Fallen Priest. I didn't help with that one so I'm not even going to bother searching for its crap.

RE: Custom Classes - Bloodbane - 10-19-2009

Mind sending all the info to me so i can have a look at it before i place my opinion and word into this?

Just Pm it to me in what ever way you can.

Like images or etc.

RE: Custom Classes - Kulluminatii - 10-19-2009

Don't do it, he'll take all the credit! Icon_wink

Now if you happened to have a "trans" class for a gunslinger you guys' made...I would totally support it Icon_biggrin.

RE: Custom Classes - GM-Pandora - 10-20-2009

Custom class are difficult to make/sprite/code and even harder to balance, while we did consider adding custom class eventually, we have so many other projects ongoing it's unlikely to be anytime soon, so thanks but no thanks.

RE:??Custom Classes - Snowhawk - 10-20-2009

GM-Pandora Wrote:Custom class are difficult to make/sprite/code and even harder to balance, while we did consider adding custom class eventually, we have so many other projects ongoing it's unlikely to be anytime soon, so thanks but no thanks.

That's why I was asking if there were any free Spriters or Coders out there. I know absolutly nothing about coding, but I have some experience in spriting though I suck horribly at it. I also have access to friends that can sprite.

The GM of the last one where we were designing Custom Classes said the same thing. That's why I want to do it without GM involvement this way you can still worry about all your important stuff while I work on these and when I'd finish then I'd test it out with a friend that has a Test Server.

I know its a lot of work. It took us six months to get one half finished Class up and running with four people working on it. Its a very time consuming project. Still something I'd like doing nonetheless.

RE: Custom Classes - GM-Pandora - 10-20-2009

We do have a test & dev section, you can send a pm to Aki to apply, help is appreciated, but as for custom class I still don't see this being incorporated in a foreseeable future.

RE: Custom Classes - Frogboy - 10-21-2009

the only real chance at seeing custom classes added is if there was a very easy and very quick way of adding them in with little to no mess whatsoever, though that's asking for a whole lot to go right XD

and even then, panda may still say no to it, so yea, although a nice idea in theory, in practice it's a nightmare lol. though if you do decide to work on these, i do have coding experience and may be able to help out in whatever free time i have available, and it's possible these classes could be submitted to eAthena for others to use should the so choose to do.

i need to start looking at the core of the eA emulator and see how it implements classes if i'm going to help with your side project.