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Falcon assault - Printable Version

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Falcon assault - _Wind_ - 02-22-2006

is this sniper move suppose to be one hit now? because at the moment its a one hit skill which is completely rubbish and blitz beat actualy does more damage than it.

can someone check this for me and if possible can someone fix this

RE: Falcon assault - Demny - 02-22-2006

FA has always been a one hit skills. Affected by dex and int, this can cause a lot of damage. Even though there's a cool down time of 3 sec. Anyway, it's a good skill >_> You should see people fight in WoE, with some skills, it's a deadly finishing move.

RE: Falcon assault - _Wind_ - 02-23-2006

no you dont get it you, if you actually come online its changed it used to be 5 hits at level 5 by the falcon totalling up the damage, usually being in the range of 5k damage. Now at level 5 its just one hit instead of the 5, its only did a minor 600 damage when we we're testing it, and blitz beat did 810 damage how can blitz beat outdamage falcon assault this needs to be changed

RE: Falcon assault - Alexander - 02-23-2006

Well by that logic, then Spiral pierce should be buffed too! (Currently 5 pierces, for about the same SP cost as one spiral, does more damage. )

BUFF US!!!!! Icon_twisted

RE: Falcon assault - GM-Boomy - 02-23-2006

There's a bug in the current SVN, the bug should be gone in the next update.

RE: Falcon assault - Lance - 02-24-2006

Alexander Wrote:Well by that logic, then Spiral pierce should be buffed too! (Currently 5 pierces, for about the same SP cost as one spiral, does more damage. )

BUFF US!!!!! Icon_twisted

NOOOOO!!! Spiral Pierce does enough damage as it is!!!
Icon_eek *Feinting as Alex's SP nails poor Lance with even more damage Icon_eek

RE: Falcon assault - Fionit - 02-24-2006

actually Spiral piercefrom alex doesnt hurt that much... about 3k on me...

RE: Falcon assault - Jubei - 02-24-2006

i just mental strength and say owie

RE: Falcon assault - Blu3Tig3r - 02-24-2006

Alex's Spiral isn't that bad. 1.5 - 2k dmg here.

RE: Falcon assault - Balmung - 02-24-2006

Anyone can give the perfect damage of alex spiral pierce.

By that I mean without armor and cards.