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Helloz - Printable Version

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Helloz - Puppy - 03-01-2006

Hellos! I couldnt find the incoming board so I surpose there wasnt one xD And.. Oohh!! Poring emoticons! *must have on MSN* Can I pwease pwease pwease?Icon_cry Anyway.

I am a totally new incoming Ragnarok member! (I had to edit this so I spelt it right, I spelt it as Ragrock, isnt that funny?Icon_lol *crikets churping* ... okay Icon_neutral)

Any tips or warnings I should know please tell me so I dont get busted for a something I didnt know about Icon_sad

But anyways, Thats all my hellos and other bits gone. How are you alls?!Icon_wink

RE: Helloz - GM-Boomy - 03-01-2006

Hi and welcome. The forum you were looking for is called "introduction" Icon_razz lol

as for the tips I can give you:

- don't bot
- don't be a jackass, behave and you won't have any problem Icon_wink
- you can ask for buff, but if they don't want to, then don't harass them Icon_wink

I think that's all. You can check the rules on the website and I think there's a thread about it in the general section or announcment.

I hope you'll have fun with us Icon_wink

RE: Helloz - Lance - 03-01-2006

Welcome to heRO!!! Icon_biggrin

RE: Helloz - Puppy - 03-02-2006

Thanks for all your welcome guys... But my download failed.. my internet had to go off for 1 second and my download froze... No download manager is frustrating -_-;

RE: Helloz - Muzzle - 03-02-2006

Cute name.

RE: Helloz - Puppy - 03-02-2006

That remark makes me think like you have something against me >_>

RE: Helloz - Muzzle - 03-02-2006

Not at all. o_O I just like puppies.

RE: Helloz - GM-Boomy - 03-02-2006

someone is on the defensive here Icon_razz

RE: Helloz - Hina - 03-04-2006

GM-Boomy Wrote:you can ask for buff, but if they don't want to, then don't harass them

hehe I'll always give buffs to people!Icon_biggrin
Welcome to heRO, enjoy your stay and feel free to ask for buffs.Icon_lol

RE: Helloz - Hitoo - 03-04-2006

No, don't ask for buffs. Icon_evil

Hehehe Icon_twisted