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First class played? (Ever) - Printable Version

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First class played? (Ever) - Dementia - 01-07-2010

I was going to put down "Favourite Class?" but it seemed too cliched and probably already done. (So I'd get a heap of "Use the Search function n00b lul") So instead...

When you started playing RO in general, not just heRO, what was that class that you tried first? What was that class, that just seemed newbie friendly so you gave it a shot?

Another question, on the first server you played for a significant amount of time for it to be special (And just in case it needs to be said, iRO DOES count Icon_razz) What was your main character?

First server I played on was a server called (Saying other server names is allowed right? :S) LennethRO, it's dead now, a GM got hacked, conspiracies grew, eventually it all blew up. But it was the best server ever while it lasted. (I'm hoping heRO can match it in awesomeness.)

My first character was a Wizard named Kalich, I was talking to my Step-Bro (Who actually came to this server with me, look out for "Zandor".) and asked about trying RO (He'd already been playing it for years.) and after checking out all the classes, I figured Wizard would be the best for me to try. I remember having so much trouble on the Wizard test when I got up to it (Lenneth was a 25/25/10 and still had job change quests. Thats why I love heRO, STILL HAS THEM, the NPC is blasphemy.) That I actually needed "Zandor" to do the job change quest for me xD

My main on that server was a Combo Monk by the name of Heal-Billy. Ended up getting to 94/50 from killing stuff at Rachel Sanc before the server blew up. Just the name of my lonely Monk brings back the best RO memories ever.

But thats just me, enjoy reminiscing everyone~

RE: First class played? (Ever) - Kirby_Z - 01-07-2010

First class ever was a thief in a hight rate. I quit the server after 30 mins, then found a low rate. So I made a Wizz and the stats where all over the board. STR VIT AGi INT LUK, yes I was a noob and learned the hard way.

After that, the same server opened an even lower low rate 1x server. That's where I finally got the hang of RO and made a Bow/Strip Rogue for Woe. The server then died and merged, so I left it and searched for another 1x server.

Found a couple but they all either suck or died fast. Found heRO and stayed here.

RE: First class played? (Ever) - katleoyumi - 01-07-2010

First class I ever played was a swordie but I didn't play it very long so I tell people my first class played was a priest. c=

RE: First class played? (Ever) - Flare - 01-07-2010

Anyway, on another server, my first class was a Spear Vit Knight. I had some very nice stunning Full Plate armor, which proved to be quite effective agenst high-speed attackers. :D

At one point, I had such a good setup, this one Gatling gunner told me he was actually considering just going "F this, I should attack the Emp I was attacking." as he wasn't doing much of anything to me.

Then when I was about to get into the Transing mode...we had a wipe. >_<

RE: First class played? (Ever) - Matsu - 01-07-2010

First class I ever played was this Swordman on a server called DutchRO.
I was a Crit swordman o.O!? *wtf =P* After that, I went to some server called Got Ragnarok, I was in this guild called the RubberDuckies who apparently played on DutchRO too. I started with a Bard,Priest and Rogue. And I got like my Bard transed to Clown, and my Rogue to Stalker.
I was very annoying on my clown since I had always Link on. and spamming Tarots.. * good memory's* ( 1 hit kill paladin >__> funny <3 )
Those servers were like low/mid rate ones.. 5/5/5 and 11/11/11 I think it was..... After those I went trying High Rates, I played Ceres, Limit etc etc etc. *alot more* At Limit I was at the top of PvP with my stalker. Also had my own little friend guild. Then I went to LegacyRO and FeelRO both midrated. I had different classes there like a WS, Sinx, HP, Creator.

After that I went to MouRo which was very customized and Alot of fun... toobad they didnt have the amount of players. ( like 9 online on good nights ). The admin there is a dev from Eathena, so you could imagine how far it went. *pets with skills, all mobs had skills, you could set up difficulty, and even disguise your hats etc etc it was a very sick server.. after that I went to this server. took a break from here and went back to Mouro. And after that I went back to this one....

After all these servers my favorite classes happen to be: White Smith, Creator, Stalker, High Priest and Paladin and ofcourse the Bookslapping Professor!

RE:??First class played? (Ever) - Former-GM-Mass - 01-07-2010

Flare Wrote:Don't think we can say other server names...

Dead servers are okay.

RE: First class played? (Ever) - Ultima_Pi - 01-07-2010

Hunter. With Int. WTF INT???????!?!?!?1

RE: First class played? (Ever) - Iced Blue - 01-07-2010

First ever was a mage.. Pure Ice/lightening build. She didnt last long, I then made a crit knight then a crit sin.. Then stuck with rogue.. But after I had a hacking threat (iro) I made a new account with a rogue and Alchemist.

I love my Alchemists <3

RE: First class played? (Ever) - Zaratus - 01-07-2010

First ever was Novice. After that Mage until level 30 or so. Second was a rogue (dagger build) to 96. After that Priest/High Priest.

I started playing RO in my old boarding school on a 10 people server which was wiped each year with 10/10/log rates.

Hero is my first online server.

RE: First class played? (Ever) - Shikari - 01-07-2010

First class was stalker, and is still the only class I like LOL