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New Idea For Custom Dungeon - Printable Version

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New Idea For Custom Dungeon - Aaronock - 01-19-2010

Heh Takhara somewhat inspired this topic with his last post he made. I know the GM's have a pretty full plate at the moment but I wanted to throw this idea on the table since I think it could be potentially fun.

We have a Fairy Paradise dungeon at the moment, why not make more levels for it if possible or a new dungeon entirely? We could make it basically a dungeon full of all the custom monsters we've made on heRO ranging from the custom 'ring monsters to snow bunnies and autumn leaf cats, to the custom New World Maps, to big, fat, firey Skoll. It would be a pretty low tier-mid tier dungeon I think and a lot of newer players could get into it and older players probably wouldn't mind farming up some of the items that these monsters drop. I know that newer players are often upset by the lack of "cool" things they can actually do and this might open a door for them.

For some of the monsters you worry about with the drops also getting out too much you could just provide a small spawn with a timer or something since I know Pandaring, Mastering, and Pouring all have an amazing custom items that drop at a small rate.

Anyway just wanted to type this idea out and share it. :o

RE: New Idea For Custom Dungeon - Fyrus Carmin - 01-19-2010

Welcome to the HeRO Shrine, where all HeRO monsters are worshipped.

RE: New Idea For Custom Dungeon - Bloodbane - 01-19-2010

kinda already sugested it.

RE: New Idea For Custom Dungeon - Aaronock - 01-19-2010

Don't remember seeeeeing it <_>

RE:??New Idea For Custom Dungeon - Session - 01-19-2010

Fyrus Carmin Wrote:Welcome to the HeRO Shrine, where all HeRO monsters are worshipped.

Sounds like it could have a cool story and quest with it too = D

RE:??New Idea For Custom Dungeon - The Legendary Joe - 01-19-2010

Fyrus Carmin Wrote:Welcome to the HeRO Shrine, where all HeRO monsters are worshipped.
And by worshipped, we??mean slaughtered.

Letsee, we have a couple fire custom MVP's, we have a water custom MVP. Now we need 1 Earth Custom MVP, and 1 Wind custom MVP, and we can call it the Elemental dungeon or something? With like??4 different sections, each with it's own element (and corresponding MVP). With a god poring??Right in the middle of all four!

I think most of the stuff in muspel is custom, though, i don't think we should take??Muspel monsters outside of muspel, as much as I would love more opportunities to farm for a Holy Dagger.

RE: New Idea For Custom Dungeon - Matrim Cauthon Jr - 01-20-2010

Aaronock Wrote:Heh Takhara somewhat inspired this topic with his last post he made.??I know the GM's have a pretty full plate at the moment but I wanted to throw this idea on the table since I think it could be potentially fun.

We have a Fairy Paradise dungeon at the moment, why not make more levels for it if possible or a new dungeon entirely???We could make it basically a dungeon full of all the custom monsters we've made on heRO ranging from the custom 'ring monsters to snow bunnies and autumn leaf cats, to the custom New World Maps, to big, fat, firey Skoll.??It would be a pretty low tier-mid tier dungeon I think and a lot of newer players could get into it and older players probably wouldn't mind farming up some of the items that these monsters drop.??I know that newer players are often upset by the lack of "cool" things they can actually do and this might open a door for them.

For some of the monsters you worry about with the drops also getting out too much you could just provide a small spawn with a timer or something since I know Pandaring, Mastering, and Pouring all have an amazing custom items that drop at a small rate.

Anyway just wanted to type this idea out and share it. :o

Masterdrops* And new dungeons are always welcome.