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Participation points for Mass PVP - Printable Version

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Participation points for Mass PVP - Serenity - 01-25-2010 09:11 AM

So it seems that the light side always wins this battle, which means all light people get 10 and dark people get none. Sometimes the difference between getting your ToH gears or not is 10 points! I think that new people are discouraged from joining the dark side because it's easier to get ToH gears with the light allegiance.

So I suggest one of two options:

a) Give 5 points to everyone who joins the mass PVP. The winning side gets an extra 5 points.

b) Give the winning side 5 points only.

I'm leaning toward option a. Icon_smile

RE: Participation points for Mass PVP - Manifus - 01-25-2010 03:34 PM

Serenity Wrote:So it seems that the light side always wins this battle, which means all light people get 10 and dark people get none.??Sometimes the difference between getting your ToH gears or not is 10 points!??I think that new people are discouraged from joining the dark side because it's easier to get ToH gears with the light allegiance.

So I suggest one of two options:

a) Give 5 points to everyone who joins the mass PVP.??The winning side gets an extra 5 points.

b) Give the winning side 5 points only.

I'm leaning toward option a. Icon_smile

At the very least it would 'help' with balance, this has been an issue since the start, and I don't see this ever being resolved with the current way of things.

RE: Participation points for Mass PVP - Zaratus - 01-25-2010 03:51 PM

Add sexy dark invisible wings and see dark winning again.

RE: Participation points for Mass PVP - The Legendary Joe - 01-25-2010 05:13 PM

Well,??Dark Side COULD use some more LKs Priests and Biochems??Joining during battle. Both sides usually have??plenty of snipers/hunters.

I remember back when Teneberous wings came out, and Bloody was still darkside. It was like 7 vrs twenty??and??Light completely failed.??But then he switched and I haven't really seen him in it since.

Even Tripp and His garm made a relatively??decent impact on how well dark actually did good in mass.

I don't necessarily agree with?? this request.??It's OUR alleigances job to??get more people interested in our side.??It's Our job to try to get them to join in the fight at ToH (real life circumstances permitting) As fair or unfair as it is,??Those who win, win. Those who don't, don't.

Personally, I like the challenge of trying to get 70 points minimum before Mass battle. Tho for some classes, that's more of a chore than a challenge =p

RE: Participation points for Mass PVP - Kain - 01-25-2010 05:33 PM

Quote:It's OUR alleigances job to??get more people interested in our side.??It's Our job to try to get them to join in the fight at ToH (real life circumstances permitting) As fair or unfair as it is,??Those who win, win. Those who don't, don't.

Logic works or it doesn't. In all situations it is applied to. So, using your logic... African American people were treated like dirt. It was entirely their responsibility to be treated well. If they couldn't, they didn't.

In that example they did change it. However the system itself was flawed and could have been changed my the administrators to become more balanced. Point being, just because a system was developed one way, does not mean it works through it's lifetime. As the situation applied to it changes, so should the system to reflect those changes.

RE: Participation points for Mass PVP - Session - 01-25-2010 05:46 PM


But, I agree. Since I started heRo, and decided I'd prefer to be in the dark allegiance, all I've heard is the white side outweighs numbers of the dark, and one major reason is the invisible wings. It was a bummer to find out I was stuck dark, unless I got rich and got a service from the fairy auction...but I would like to stay dark, despite the obvious disadvantages. Sweat

Even if they aren't 'helpful' they are preferred versus the last generation dark wings.

Its not hard to change one of the sprites of the last gen dark wings to a kind of darker equal to the light's, is it?

RE: Participation points for Mass PVP - Shikari - 01-25-2010 05:51 PM

^ In other words we -dark side- are the slaves and we must rise up and beat our white masters -light side- with machetes and sticks!

I'd vote for -a-, however it's lack of motivation by dark side. Past woes ive been to theres always atleast 1 person trying to organize but no one else listens thus we die quickly.

RE: Participation points for Mass PVP - Kain - 01-25-2010 06:10 PM

By all means, I have little to do with the argument at hand as I'm not a part of the light/dark system yet. But, if it's going to be debated at least use arguments that work. Like, a lot of people seem to like the light wings better. This is a change the admins could handle.

RE:??Participation points for Mass PVP - Session - 01-25-2010 06:14 PM

Kain Wrote:Like, a lot of people seem to like the light wings better.

Thus being a big problem. I heard of a lot of people, when the (I think it was called seraphim, idr) wings came out, most of the dark people change to light. Though some say the ToH wings aren't used in WoE much, it doesn't change the fact that the invisible ones are a definite advantage over the dark's.

Besides, I'm sure having huge wings on you makes people feel more inclined to ask you for help, beg for items, etc...so I could bet that has a bit of influence on alliance/wing choice.

RE: Participation points for Mass PVP - Kain - 01-25-2010 06:26 PM

As a side note, the Archdemon Wings are my favorite wings ever. Not a whole lot of servers have them but I'm pretty happy they're here.

GMs could always make a light and dark version of all the wings. Then make versions of the later wing stats for all the wing appearances. That way you could have whatever wing style you want with the same stats. It's mostly a bunch of copy pasta work and making an NPC that could work it. That solves the wing problem and adds more customization at the same time.

Then if the sides still aren't balancing out, change the system up more.