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Greetings! - Printable Version

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Greetings! - bugaboo - 01-27-2010

Hello, everyone!??I'm new to the server, as well as to the forum, although that was probably obvious.??For the past week or so, I've been looking for a server to settle down at, and quite honestly, heRO looks to be the most promising one I've been on!??Although, this is somewhat biased as I've been looking for roleplayers, haha.

While I might be new here, I'm certainly not new to Ragnarok Online.??I've been playing for about five years, since 2005.??I started on iRO, where I played for maybe a month or two until I was suggested to join a private German server, high rate I believe.??I did, and played for a year there.??After that, I had a falling out from the game as I got busied again, and was later introduced to the next major server I joined.??It was even higher rate (you could max out to 500/120 in under an hour!).??I played on that server for about three years, a bit on and off.??I went back one day to realize that I didn't know anyone anymore, and it had been my friends that kept me there.

So I left, unannounced as usual, as I was again busied.??Since then, I've been looking for somewhere new to stay in between the copious amounts of reading my homeschool requires.??I only recently got back into the notion of playing again, however, and this week alone I've tried out three new servers, with heRO being the third.??Maybe the final?

Beyond my history of RO, I'm a little boring, haha.??I am a 15-year-old girl who lives in the United States.??I'm interested in psychology and biology.??I guess I'm something of an artist, lately having picked up the old pencil after taking a break of sorts.??I've always loved a good story, and as such, I really enjoy writing.??As aforementioned, I'm into roleplaying, and have been doing so since about the age of seven.??Admittedly, I run two roleplaying forums, but I'm not quite bold enough to share them.

I made my first character on the server last night!??It was a little late, but a game of Werewolf started up, and I decided to join.??It was a lot of fun; I love a good game of murder mystery, even if I died halfway through.??Definitely worth the lack of sleep...that happens a lot anyway, hurr.

Before I go on too long, I suppose I should end this then!??If you want to get in contact with me for whatever reason, feel free to message me in-game on Malady.??If I'm not on that character, try sending me a private message here on the forums!

Thanks for reading, and I hope to see everyone around sometime, be it on the forums or in the game. :)

RE: Greetings! - Rankin - 01-27-2010

lol hi welcome Icon_biggrin GUESS WHAT!? server went boom =3

RE: Greetings! - Aaronock - 01-27-2010

Hi, I remember talking to you a little on main last night.
Um not much of a roleplayer lately on RO, mostly just on and farming stuff but you should hook up with my friend Linnea she usually sits around and chats a lot more than me XD

RE: Greetings! - Chris Nemo - 01-27-2010

Oh hai~ I saw you last night! Hmm... I feel bad for only giving you a like or two of response after your three paragraphs of self-introduction, but since we haven't interacted much (at all?) in-game, I'm not sure what else to say...

Oh, can you tell me the names of your RPing sites via PM?

RE: Greetings! - bugaboo - 01-27-2010

Uhh, sure! Want me to give you a bit of background information on them, as well?

RE: Greetings! - Session - 01-27-2010

Welcome to HeRo Malady! I hope you find your stay here qui-etc...etc...etc

I have a cookie, and I know thats what you're after.

But you ain't getting it :]

*shares cookie with Murder*

RE: Greetings! - Aaronock - 01-27-2010

Oh question, did you draw your avatar?
Just curious cause it makes me think a little of Junko Mizuno's work for some reason.

I just realized I'm like 8 years older than you (I'm 23 for you bozos too lazy to add 15+8). Linnea is 22, I hope you aren't too shy around people so much older than yourself. I stopped caring when I was guild recruiting 14 year olds to NE lol.

RE:??Greetings! - Chris Nemo - 01-27-2010

L. Malady Wrote:Uhh, sure!??Want me to give you a bit of background information on them, as well?
Sure, sounds great. oOo

RE: Greetings! - bugaboo - 01-27-2010

I end up talking to older people a lot, I don't mind anymore. :)

Also, no, I did not draw my avatar.??It's from a Vocaloid PV called Dark Woods Circus- cool song, I like its story, heh.

This is a little something I drew and still need to finish eventually. @_@
[Image: hatplz-2.png]

She's a character in a story I'm thinking of and will write...eventually.

RE: Greetings! - Aaronock - 01-27-2010

Yah, you really should check out Junko Mizuno's work sometime lol.
I think you'd find a lot to like in it.

Not a bad picture though you're drawing, be sure to share it when you finish too :]