heRO-Server Forum
Im new! Help? - Printable Version

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Im new! Help? - tombdragon - 02-25-2010

Hello everyone, ill be joining ragnarok on the heRO server, im hoping someone can help me on my way, ill be on daily and join a guild. I hope to have fun!

RE: Im new! Help? - Manifus - 02-25-2010


RE: Im new! Help? - tombdragon - 02-25-2010

Any suggestions on a character?

RE: Im new! Help? - Flare - 02-25-2010

Well....what do you feel most comfertable playing as? Magic? Melee? Ranged? Support?

Also, I can see this thread being moved to the Introduction area...or Suggestions.

RE: Im new! Help? - tombdragon - 02-25-2010

Well I like magic support and range. Not so much melee.
Also im looking to join a guild with people who could help me, any suggestions?

RE: Im new! Help? - Session - 02-25-2010

Aesthetic is a good guild, if you like friendly social guilds, and if you want to participate in war sometime later- we do WoE as well.

RE:??Im new! Help? - tombdragon - 02-25-2010

takhara Wrote:Aesthetic is a good guild, if you like friendly social guilds, and if you want to participate in war sometime later- we do WoE as well.
My characters name is Tombdragoon
Id like to join the guild if possible!

RE: Im new! Help? - Rankin - 02-25-2010

talk to a member and PM Matsu, Mary or me, we can find you and toss you an invite

RE: Im new! Help? - Aaronock - 02-25-2010

Hm Bamboo Squad I think is about helping newbies on RO.
I would love to recommend my guild to you however we're mostly afternoon/night time server time active more, and less so during regular daytime hours. There isn't a problem to me to have someone newer to RO join our guild as long as you listen to us and try to do your best I can say that will be how you become a great player.

However feel free to click on my little Coffee Break link in my signature to learn more about us. We're a smaller group but I think that makes us be closer together and to work together more.

RE: Im new! Help? - tombdragon - 02-26-2010

Ok well ill be on today, im join a guild if asked!