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The Year: 2012 - Printable Version

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The Year: 2012 - Hoshi - 03-10-2010 04:46 AM

I've been having dreams about this issue lately and it's been bugging me a lot. In fact, I had two dreams in two nights consecutively about the same issue. I figured it's time to ask for other people's opinions:

Do you believe that the world will end on December 21, 2012?

I personally don't know what will happen but I like to lean to the "no" side. It just seems too terrible to be true. But then again, we are witnessing some of the effects of global warming today. Look at Haiti. Look at Chile. Are these natural disasters foreshadowing the next apocalypse?


RE: The Year: 2012 - Mort - 03-10-2010 05:43 AM

1) Earthquakes have nothing to do with global warming. I'm not saying there's no global warming, or that there definitely is, but global warming is like an universal excuse for green morons. They just like to yell "IT'S A SIGN OF GLOBAL WARMING!" at every possible occassion.
Okay, I don't have time for lesson about seismic actvitiy and Earth's crust.

2) 2012? End of the world? No. End of humanity? Maybe. But only because some idiot would think they'd have to make the apocalypse real. No dark planet, no uber-conjunction, no magnetic pole switch or any other of that shit, just people being stupid.
And actually if you're talking about mayan calendar, it's dec 21, not 12.

RE: The Year: 2012 - Rankin - 03-10-2010 08:11 AM

Isn't the Mayan calendar ending just like our calendar ending December 31?

RE: The Year: 2012 - TPC - 03-10-2010 09:12 AM

No its more of a restart. The mayan calendar is written as 5 digits (not base 10, so max is not 99999), so it can only hold a certain amount of days before it gets to its maximum limit. It reaches the limit and starts again from 0 every 52 years. The next time that happens is in december 2012.

It has done so for every 52 years since the calendar system was invented thousands of years ago, there is no reason to believe that anything special is going to happen in 2012 based on this. It just happens to be when it resets next.

RE:??The Year: 2012 - Avogadro - 03-10-2010 10:26 AM

TPC Wrote:It has done so for every 52 years since the calendar system was invented thousands of years ago, there is no reason to believe that anything special is going to happen in 2012 based on this. It just happens to be when it resets next.

The difference about 2012 is that it represents the end of the 13th baktun, where the whole calender needs to roll over rather than just the least significant bit, to speak. Just like leading up to 2000, 1000, or any significant rollover of a calender, people are going to ascribe all kinds of meaning to it and drag the loonies out of the woodwork.

RE: The Year: 2012 - Iced Blue - 03-10-2010 11:03 AM

Not sure about the world ending, but im pretty sure we're getting close to an ice age.

And I wouldn't be surprised if the contenates *sp* are changing.

RE: The Year: 2012 - Hoshi - 03-10-2010 12:11 PM

Fixed the date Icon_smile Thanks for the correction.

RE: The Year: 2012 - Altaire - 03-10-2010 01:32 PM

I don't think so. There were many predictions made about the future and not all of them happened. I personally think that the 2012 issue is made more aware because of the movie :o

RE: The Year: 2012 - Rei Ayanami - 03-10-2010 01:44 PM

global warming is not going to kill you that fast, if that's what you are worried about. the only way the world is going to go boom in 2 years time is if someone decided to start a nuclear war, in which case they are going to kill themselves too and they know it.

the only way it will happen is if osama bin laden is voted as either American, Russian, French, German, Indian, Israeli, Pakistani president, became the queen of UK, or the Chairman of PRC.

RE: The Year: 2012 - The Legendary Joe - 03-10-2010 02:12 PM

It's the end of the world as we know it~ But I feel fine~

Because it's only the world we know. Maybe it's going to show a whole new face of itself we didn't realise existed? Maybe there's a technological breakthrough that will drastically improve our standards of living and take us to the stars.

Normally, I'd be a realist and go along with what you're thinking, we are violent people with??bombs that could destroy the world 10 times over, and we have shown a hell of a lot of disrespect towards the earth with our pollution.?Nothing but the negative, but??you gotta realize that it might not be all that negative.

And there's all that old saying, "All good things must eventually come to an end." WHo knows???Maybe some strange electomagnetic storm will appear out of nowhere in space, and wipe out all electricity on earth wiping us back to the stone age.

Either way, it's pointless to worry about it. It's best to wait and see, and take it as it comes.