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Galluptiaghast - Printable Version

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Galluptiaghast - Whispers - 03-11-2010

[Image: GalluptiaghastPromo.png]

Guild leader is Jormungandr.
Guild mission is naught.??We're just here to be a guild!??^_^
Recruiting anyone and everyone!
PM me or find me ingame.??My chars are in my sig.??No1

RE: Galluptiaghast - Session - 03-11-2010

Woo, 1st ~

Btw, the picture is awesome ! Though, the color of the text is a bit difficult to read, perhaps darken it slightly? =o

RE: Galluptiaghast - Whispers - 03-11-2010

Thanks!??It took me, like, ten minutes to make!??Well...I had to steal the background image from flickr and that took a lil while to find a good one... But, once I did it only took about ten.??xp

Apart from that I spent most of the time on the text.??I wanted a different color or feel from the "Galluptiaghast" but everything clashed, so I just settled for the same scheme but different font.??I feel it's quite easy to discern what it says.

Super Social Guild for Socializing!??Mad

RE: Galluptiaghast - Session - 03-11-2010

It may be my screen resolution, the font looks pretty bright to me *_*

In any case, good luck with your new guild person !

RE: Galluptiaghast - Whispers - 03-11-2010

Hmm...My res is 1440x900. What's yours? I do have a super-high res, but I think nowadays they reach around 2500? In that case I could see the image being tiny at 560x420. Thinking