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Law School - Printable Version

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Law School - The Legendary Joe - 04-22-2010

Maybe we should have an NPC aside from the Hero Guardian that explains the rules in more detail so we don't have to keep making novices to review the rules.??Even the ones he??doesn't explain like the MVP dominion rule and the vending rules ( didn't see those in the hero guardian and I still don't understand why it's not allowed to vend in monster maps.)

This could be like a HUGE book in one of Yuno's Libraries (with a table of contents so we can skip to the area we want to know about),??or a few new Legal NPC's each with their own expertise on the matter.

I do realize a lot of the unwritten rules are common sense and shouldn't have to be written, but common sense isn't all that common.

RE: Law School - Aaronock - 04-22-2010

Could make an npc with this feature easily within each town probably.

Or people can use the website and wiki more really. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse. Icon_razz

RE: Law School - Fruityla - 04-22-2010

Or do what another server I played on did; Give the player a guidebook item when they create a new character. It works just like the other books/manuals but it had a menu too that you could pick what you wanted to look up from.

PS: Pretty sure the no vending on monster maps is to prevent people from leeching characters that way and so the map can reset Ok

RE: Law School - Aaronock - 04-22-2010

ALSO make sure that book weighs 0 or at least storable that way players can trans Icon_razz

RE: Law School - Fruityla - 04-22-2010

Storable would be preferable, so then you don't have to have it in your inventory forever :x

I guess if you wanted to keep from people having to have 9 billion of them the heRO Guardian could ask you if you want one. That way if you already have it you can just say no.

RE: Law School - Aaronock - 04-22-2010

Or just only get it 3 times cause people take newbie packs :O

RE: Law School - Fruityla - 04-22-2010

But what if you don't take the newbie pack? :o THEN WHAT? Some little newbie is going to be sad because they didn't get their book.


RE: Law School - Session - 04-22-2010

Make the newbie pack give the book, and the guy at the end give it as well? :o

But um, can't you use the kafra inside the training grounds to warp to town too? I never tried it personally, but that'd be another issue perhaps.

RE: Law School - Aziral - 04-23-2010

Then just put the damn thing in the inventory of every newly created caracter, like the knife and cotton shirt