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Some official main rules? - Printable Version

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Some official main rules? - Sakurato - 05-23-2010

As much as I love spamming main with short B/S lines to annoy people. I think that we should kind of put a limit on this action.

I understand main is FOR B/S and party recruiting but! Can we limit it to 1 line of B and S or recruit per like 5 minutes?

Cause people spamming

B> xxxxxxxx
B> xxxxxxxxxxxxx
B> xxx
S> xxxxxxxxx

every 2 mins is getting old. And that's just one person. It's terrible when 2-3 people are doing it and you have a party looking for people.

Realistically how often do people really think people are logging on and off? We're not a super high-traffic server. Saying it once then saying it again two minutes later is a high chance you are just saying it to the same people lol.

plz only talk about this thanks :]

RE: Some official main rules? - Fruityla - 05-23-2010

What they need to do is make a formal No-Spam rule on Main and have this be part of it. (Yes, there is no formal/written no spam rule. I checked both forums and wiki)

'Cause if you think about it, they ban people a lot over spamming in general (Spam = Posting the same thing over and over), but I think the most I've seen happen to a marketer or recruiter is...getting yelled at and that's it. How does putting a B/S> or R> in front of it make it any different than the bannable spam if you're still doing it like every 30 seconds?

RE: Some official main rules? - Général_Argos - 05-23-2010

IF main is going to be EXCLUSIVELY for "B/S & recruiting", a technical solution would be to block it with a 5 min cooldown.

RE: Some official main rules? - Former-GM-Circe - 05-24-2010

But main isn't soley for B>/S>ing.

Bare in mind, too, the the hotkeys (Alt+1, etc), that people use so they don't have to retype every time have a much, much smaller text limit than the main text box. Once you add @main into it, it has about the room for half the text that the normal chat bar does.

But yes, even B>/S> spam is spam. If it is happening every 2 minutes, ask them to slow down their advertising. If they don't, contact a GM/Mod, etc.

RE:??Some official main rules? - Fyrus Carmin - 05-24-2010

GM-Circe Wrote:Bare in mind, too, the the hotkeys (Alt+1, etc), that people use so they don't have to retype every time have a much, much smaller text limit than the main text box. Once you add @main into it, it has about the room for half the text that the normal chat bar does.

This isn't a real problem when you PM "Main".

RE: ??Some official main rules? - Rurouni Kalain - 05-27-2010

Fyrus Carmin Wrote:
GM-Circe Wrote:Bare in mind, too, the the hotkeys (Alt+1, etc), that people use so they don't have to retype every time have a much, much smaller text limit than the main text box. Once you add @main into it, it has about the room for half the text that the normal chat bar does.

This isn't a real problem when you PM "Main".

Indeed, though more people than you might think don't seem to know about it. Should be said somewhere so that it gets more widely known. Don't remember when I first found out about it years ago on an old server, ha ha.