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Truoble with the Assasin Job Change Quiz - Printable Version

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Truoble with the Assasin Job Change Quiz - Ansh - 05-29-2010 11:30 AM

Hi Hello there HeRO Forum i got a Problem.
After long training as a Thief i finaly want to become a Assasin.
So i started to answer the questions of that assasin quiz till the last 10th question. Everythings fine till that moment...because after answering that question it stops and nothing happens only the textwindow of the last question is still standing... but there is no "next" or "ok" button for me to finish this conversation.

So may question is: What do i do now? I answerd everything right, i tried it multiple times but still the same ending...

Maybe its a bug or something.

Could please somebody help me there a so many assasins outsiede maybe its an known bug and i only have to tirck it i dunno...

RE: Truoble with the Assasin Job Change Quiz - mahawirasd - 05-30-2010 10:58 PM

maybe you lagged. Try relogging. Worst scenario would be he took it as a wrong answer.

Did you try doing it again?


RE: Truoble with the Assasin Job Change Quiz - Ansh - 05-31-2010 02:44 AM

Yep i tyed it again 2times and there was no lagg or a wrong answer the problem is that after the last question the dialog window will not go away i cant click it because there is no "next" or "end" button like normaly.

RE: Truoble with the Assasin Job Change Quiz - mahawirasd - 05-31-2010 11:12 PM

hmm... try talking to the guy closer. like right next to him?

sometimes pos lag does that, happens to me quite a bit with ME quest NPCs...


RE: Truoble with the Assasin Job Change Quiz - Ansh - 06-01-2010 10:23 AM

hmm well .... no i dont think that is it because there is no realy a person to talk to its just a voice talking to me.

I also sent a ticked to the GM's but there is no answer or supplie so far.