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What Guild is right for me? - Printable Version

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What Guild is right for me? - Rurouni Kalain - 06-01-2010

Update: I feel it's important to say my time in compared to the server so that proper comments can be said on that respect. My normal playing time is all day currently, but soon that will change to likely afternoon/evening.

My time zone is -3 Server Time

I have been playing on this server now for close to 2 months. Funny actually, I got a friend into this game that I know in person, but I was too busy myself for a while to join them (like, 1~2months before I joined up, heh.). Anyway, my friend is wanting me to join there Guild, but I'm not sure it's right for me. No offense to my friend, he's awesome like me, but I don't want HIS choice to a(e)ffect what is right for me.

So began my search.

Talking with many different people about this and that Guild, talking to a leader there, or a 2nd in command there. Finding both good and bad things and not knowing what to pick.

You may ask, why Kalain, why are you so picky? Just pick one and stick with it!


When I pick a Guild, very often it is for quite a while. While I'm open to the idea of trying out a Guild for a month or so and then switching to another to try that (and that may be what I end up having to do), I would prefer not. I have had the misfortune of playing this game for 6 some years (with various breaks, the last one being 15months) on 3 or 4 (loosing track) different also lower-rate servers. Sadly, ALL of them collapsed. I finally decided that I was not going to a server unless it has been around for several years. This server and it's low-rate etc etc-ness having been around for 4 years seems to fit just perfectly!

Which brings me to this point---do many of you think about how utterly confusing it is to newcomers in terms of the Guilds? Icon_biggrin; I'm not saying I'm upset, no no, please don't think that..But...

..well, in my search, I moved to the forums, more precisely this Guild section. I read. I read I read I read for nearly 2 hours. It seems very difficult to fully know even what Guilds are or aren't even operating currently and/or are dying.

Note: After so many times of joining a server either starting up or joining another Guild, I'm not really interested in joining a Guild that is having problems holding itself together. I'm all for building something from the ground up and such--but just not right now..or for a while yet, heh. This will be shown in my assessment of the Guilds (which really, that's a fair way to look at them, right?)

I'm planning on playing on this server for a good long time to come. ^_^

NOW! For what I'm really looking for. Fun. Fun fun fun, I can't stress that enough. If it's not fun, then really what IS the point ne?

The War of Emperium on this server seems to be lacking, while that is a bummer, I'm not largely interested in that--certainly not for some time. I lack gears, I lack cards, I lack the funds to fuel a bunch of potion drinking as I get my ass kicked (though fish would help, heh) while I'm growing stronger. For now, while I would like to be in WoE, I'm afraid it would have to be with a already decently sized group. I love love LOVE working and building up a small group that gets stronger as time goes on, that how my Guild in other servers was...but that takes time--and I in all honestly don't have the time to commit to being a Guild Leader at this time, nor in all honesty, enough skill on a larger server (trust me, compared to my others, this is far bigger, heh).
So I'm FOR it--just don't expect me to be a major player in it. I have more important things to do like, start breaking myself away from this game! (Joking, but only partly. Really, I'm working on putting real life issues first, so if you have a problem with that..tough. Icon_biggrin)

Parties of fun. As aforementioned I've sadly not had the RO experience over the years I would like...I think I finally can have that. To that end, there is a lot of RO that I have not truely explored. To that end, those that I have explored, not many have I done as a GROUP!

Just two weeks ago, me and a party group that I've been going with a lot (you know who you are *fist bump to'm*) and decided to go for Turtle Island. Not for Turtle General, but for FUN...and fun it was. Ha ha, those Assaulters are dang tough! Ha ha. I got to explore it like I never have before.
Eventually, we went to the lowest level, partly for the custom thing that is down there...you know what I mean if you have been there..likely. Eventually, we got more people and then decided to go for Turtle General. It was tough but I made sure to not leave anyone behind and they didn't leave me behind. Finally after tactical retreats and planning we got it, oh yes we did. That was great. THAT was the sort of thing I want to do.

Let me make this CLEAR I am looking for a Guild that has enough like-minded people that want fun good times and go to various areas without a bunch of convening and pleading. Ayothaya, Louylang, Clocktower, Glast Heim in those deep down places people don't go to often, Robot Factory,...even the Juperos Ruins etc!

I am NOT looking for the best places for EXP. Yes, I admit. Anubis is great. I've been there off-and on and I like it---but I can only take it for so long. Other people around, just going around and around...eh, thankfully my party members are open to going to other places after a while of being at Sphinx lvl 4.

Rachel Sanctuary - Haven't fully explored it yet, it's fun..but certainly can be overdone.

Nameless, I haven't been there yet, but working on it. I'm sure I'll love it..but I'm not looking for bunches of Nameless Quests (though I'm sure I'll eventually do that in part as I've been ITCHING to go explore that place for the first time. ^_^), that's easy to find it seems.

Monster vs Player. No, not MvP, monster vs player, though MvP's are certainly involved in that. I have a dream. I have a dream to fight every single monster there is in this game we call Ragnarok Online and in the END be alive when it dies! Lol. Meaning basically, I know there are some things that aren't practical for me to fight close up and expect to be able to live, but in a PARTY, well, things change of course. Icon_biggrin Anyway, again, due to my lack of stuff, Monster vs Player is the sort of stuff I'm going to be aiming to get as I slowly build up my supply of gears, cards, and zeny.

Now I'm sure that as time goes on, and I finally FINALLY play long-term on a server that doesn't go down on me after a year or so, that I'll want to try different things, and yes, perhaps grind a lot and do WoE and a ton of MvPing...but that's not now.

There are so many classes of characters I have never even TRIED for crying out loud! Sure I may go to a test server (I read that ratemyserver.net has one) but nothing beats actually earning your victories the old fashioned way.

My hope is that I'll be able to find a Guild that fits my needs and wants with-in a few weeks from this point. Would have put it all down sooner, but as you can see, it took a while to put it all down. *bow head* THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your time. ^_^

RE: What Guild is right for me? - Rurouni Kalain - 06-01-2010

This section/post in the topic here is one that hopefully will grow more precise as time goes on and not just for me. Although it wasn't my intention at first, when typing this I realized how helpful this could be to not only newbies and people looking to switch guilds, but just for the heRO community in general. We'll see what everyone else thinks.

(Please do note that in these examples, not all of my gathered information may be correct, please tell me and I will gladly update. This is in alphabetical order.)

Nya Nya Crew - Closed/near-dead. Re-opened breifly by Saiichi Bloodbane, but now it seems he has left the server..or so I was told. So, likely closed.

Ascension - Another Guild that is very active. However it's leader (Trowa) does seem like a nice guy, I'm not sure that the Guild is able to get parties together that are what I'm going for..and they are VERY WoE focused it seems.

Aegis Storm - An art guild. Icon_biggrin Fun. Not for me, but fun.

Aesthetic - Seems to be a nice Guild, one that may just fit my needs, but it seems to be in a large state of flux, without a leader or much organization and is trying to figure out what to do with itself.

: They appear to be rebuilding themselves making, strong, faster, better than it was before--*ahem*erm, alright maybe that's not quite right, but they are being more active again. Though I don't think that it's the group for me, still a bit too sporadic. They are building up WoE plans. I wonder what they are.

Algid Skepcis- Linked with Divine Service. Far too inactive. "Revives" and goes inactive again. Guild leader won't have it anymore. (Heh, I don't blame them.)

Akuma - A basically dead Merc Guild.

Behemoth - Well that's obvious. They are going strong. However, they seem to be very WoE oriented and not very much so for the sort of things that I'm wanting to do. If you haven't already, please read that up above.

Bamboo Squad - Talked with some people in this one for a while, it seems like and this is one of the groups that I have been leaning towards. They aren't as WoE focused (though they still do it), and seem to be active. Yet someone else told me that they are less active that it may look. Any info on this?

Bushido - Like it says in the forums, they are a "Support Guild" so don't really think they fit.

Coffee Break - Guild is not open at this time and is looking for a possible guild merge. (Shame, looked like this one might work for me. Oh well.)

Death Dealers - Dead, at least for the moment

Divine Service - Linked with Algid, closed/shutdown don't know why.

Fires Of Heaven (Alternate Guild "Brushfire Fairytales") - This one certainly has my attention. MvP, partying, looks like it's sizable without being too huge--though it seems to be bigger than I thought. Don't seem to do any WoE, which is a bit of a bummer, as I would like to do some of that. Still, highly considering them and would like to know more about'm. However, the fact that there leader just came back from not being in charge for a while worries me, but seems to be going okay.

Update: Matrim has explain his leave of absence..how dare he have a real life, ha ha. Anyway I'm okay with it and only a bit concerned about what would happen if he left again for a while. Seems like it has happened before and survived. Icon_biggrin

Flying Pancakes - Oddly enough I do not know much about them, though I have been seeing a lot of them lately. They seem to be fairly new (2months older than me), but are high up on the Guild Ranking. Would like to know more.

Geonosis - (Most of it has transformed into MogNet) This one really REALLY has my interest.....but there link here in the Guild Section hasn't had a post since December and that does not bode well. Not at all. Anyone know if they are active or not? I may post on there soon and see what I can find out.

Update: Leader said he is too busy for full-time Guild and is part of MogNet. Soooo..yeah. Likely won't be restarting for a long time, if ever. Refer to MogNet.

Lordz of Anarchy - Dead, at least for the moment

Lucid Dream - Looks nice, but still up and coming and no on the top 100 yet, so not for me right now.

MogNet - (Many members came FROM Geonosis.) Looks good, I'm considering you, though that you switched from one to another is a bit--concerning, but you seem to be doing fine.

Nocturnal Echo - Disbanded, Coffee Break was a guild for it's alts

Order of Chaos - Old, old WoE guild that's pretty much dead

Seraph - Deadish. A WoE Guild. It seems to fit what I'm looking for. Not sure about there fate, but seems dead. They were run by a bunch of "Super Noobs" and the guild is "under new/old management". Likely not good. Heh.

As best I can gather, these are the Alliances. I would very much like to know more of them a bit, as that may certainly effect my decision. Please inform me of any info that needs changing or adding.


Divine Service, Frozen~Flame, Fires of Heaven, and Reprisal

RE: What Guild is right for me? - Galt - 06-01-2010

You should join Behemoth! Icon_smile

Though if you do want more info from other guilds, Pancakes hangs out in Umbala, and as a serious heads-up, most of Geonosis has now transferred into MogNet, so they're technically the new Geonosis.

RE: What Guild is right for me? - Ange - 06-01-2010

Nocturnal Echo disbanded, Coffee Break was a guild for it's alts.

RE:??What Guild is right for me? - Rankin - 06-02-2010

Ange Wrote:Nocturnal Echo disbanded, Coffee Break was a guild for it's alts.
CB was revived for a month at most.

RE: What Guild is right for me? - Sepharius - 06-02-2010

Lordz of Anarchy and Death Dealers are dead, at least for the moment. Not sure if their members plan on making a comeback.

Geonosis sort of died, but the members created a new guild called MogNet and moved there.

Seraph is gone atm, not sure what to say. Maybe Sakurato might know? It seems some of their members moved over to Ascension in the meantime.

Order of Chaos is an old, old WoE guild that's pretty much dead, as far as I know.

NE is also another WoE guild led by Aaronock, but it seems to have died.

RE: What Guild is right for me? - Nero - 06-02-2010

Dam you spent alot of time with that ~_~ well i hope a help a bit!

Since im currently in the guild behemoth i of course want my other friends to join it aswell so here goes~


war of emperion aight bud? some people like it some dont, in your case we are a very woe active guild and have some rules towards it for example you must woe atleast once a week, and we currently have our own castle for a long time which we have held out and fended the other guilds for and CAN be fun SOMETIMES when the other guilds attack us (best attacks are from Accension & Flying Pancakes guild) those times are very fun and exciting

Extended info on WoE builds/hunting
aswell just because you needa go to woe once a week (not long at all...just 1 hr of your life man) dosent mean you cant farm items for your MvP build aswell, if you want you can farm that build first and then USE that build for WoE AND for hunting your WoE gears

Extended Extended info on WoE
ALSO if you miss one week of WoE its fine if you have some sort of valid reason (i missed cuz i got grounded once =O) OR you can farm some items for the guild, but of course you cant miss all the woe and farm all the time

Our Enemies and Allys

Our Allys:
Ordo Phenoics
Bamboo Squad
Leviathen(not existing anymore i believe)

Our Enimies:
Non Behemoth

so in other words we have ordo and BS as our guildmates and ALL the other guilds are our enmies so we do get quite a bit of action with like 5 guild trynna take over our castle =D aswell Accension / Flying pancakes which are our main threats (i think!) are very strong and pound down our castle walls and break or emps at times, but we still get it back! anyways DURING woe all the other guilds will hate you (i think!) and snipe you down and maul you and chew on your arm and such BUT AFTER woe its all cool you can still socialize with them and party with them because they usally don't mind since we are just WoE enimies

well yes, you do need to have gear when your going into WoE but you dont have to have GTB, GH right when you start, it dosent matter if you start with the crappyiest of all crap gears, aslong as you work yourself up to the points where you get good gears, "work yourself up to the point" taht dosent mean that you have to do that in a WEEK, it means you have to atleast TRY to get some gears for WoE to help us out

we as a guild need stronger guildmates to fend off other attack guilds so you will be pushed at times to level your character most likely if it is non-trans or trans 89 or less. but that dosent mean you have to solo your ass off and go to 99 on HW (thats very boring btw dont try it) we also WHEN WE HAVE TIME will help you level and such

we have a good and nice guildmates though we have conflicts at times which all people do, we are aswell more than pleasent to help you when you need help and we can help you in many different areas for some of us are very experienced at RO for we have aprox 10~20 people on most of the time.

Finally *phew* Partys
we usally dont go to places like those you mentions, we go for places like Thors, Nameless Island, Endless Tower, THantos tower and such but if your on and other people are on and willing, you can gather up people to go have some FUN with you.

for our guilds MVP's sort of a solo thing but people sometimes would be more than willingly to bring you to their MVP trips (like me =O) and then you will beable to experience the MVP's of rangarok

So I Dont Get in Trouble
OKAY OKAY im just a JUNIOR member of this guild some things in there might not APPLY but this is MY opinon of this guild and i have been in this guild for a month (i re-started playing hero around 1-2 months ago) so im not some smarty or relic (lenela) that knows everything about the guild. so if you DO want to know more you can ask our guild leader Lenela.

okay the reason i wrote so much is beacuse you bothered to write so much Icon_twisted

PS:i might be missing some stuff but w.e i have things to do!

PSS: this again is my view of the guild

Other guilds you might like if behe is not thy one for you

Genere-Social Guild
Info on my point of view:
its a quite nice guild with friendly guildmates (dont know much since im usally on behe)

FoH (fires of heaven)
Genere-Social Guild
Info on my point of view:
aswell a nice guild with friendly guildmates that go on partys to random places often (i think)

RE: What Guild is right for me? - Fruityla - 06-02-2010

Coffee Break was only an alt guild while its leader was running Nocturnal Echo. The rest of the time it existed it was a social guild. Sweat CB's fate is kinda...up in the air at the moment.

LoA, Death Dealers, and Seraph are all dead. They were formerly WoE guilds.

Aaand, that's all I got.

RE:??What Guild is right for me? - Galt - 06-02-2010

Nero Wrote:Lenela.
She's going to kill you for that. Icon_neutral

RE:??What Guild is right for me? - Nero - 06-02-2010

Nero Wrote:not some smarty or relic (lenela) that knows everything about the

*hopes lenela dosent see this post* XD

and galt this should be your job =O