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medical marijuana - Printable Version

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medical marijuana - Kari Nogashi - 06-19-2010 05:30 PM

i'd just like to know how the heros feel about the use of medicinal marijuana. ill not yet put my feelings on it to give the topic a fair shot. simply put your feelings on it and explain your feelings about it. this actually does interest me and i will be using the finding of this q&a for a term paper in the near future for my social reaction class so everyone please be serious and please no hate or " dood im so friggin high right now."

RE: medical marijuana - Braun - 06-19-2010 11:44 PM

Just don't do it bro. Thinking

RE:??medical marijuana - Icey - 06-20-2010 12:06 AM

Braun Wrote:Just don't do it bro. Thinking

+1 o.o;

RE: medical marijuana - Iced Blue - 06-20-2010 09:32 AM

Being born and raised in BC Canada, where it can grow wild in your backyard. Actually it was explained to me once that you can have one plant growing for personal use as long as you dont sell it or flaunt it. *From my mom and grandma ><* Don't know for sure if thats true, but I know my grandma was 'babysitting' my cousins plant.

Im for the medical use, im actually for making it a ticketable offence if your caught using. (A law thats getting tossed around in BC last I heard) However, I think that there should be an age restriction for using it medically. Like 18 in Canada, seeing as how you can legally buy porn at 18 and drink in AB, but 19 is the overal drinking age in Canada.. Sooo maybe 19?

RE: medical marijuana - mahawirasd - 06-20-2010 11:58 AM

I understand the constraints and the arguments against it, but personally i feel that marijuana should be a free drug due to its merits compared to other "pastimes"...

1. it is not a lethal drug. Overdosing on it would require inhuman effort... it's LD50 is even lower than nicotine! Oh My God

2. getting high on it makes you passive, while getting drunk on alcohol or adrenal-pumping drugs may make you physically aggressive. I know this first hand, i mean the only thing you want to do after smoking some weed would probably to eat and/or sleep... Sure you shouldn't drive, but it's the same thing as eating cold medication...

3. it's not addictive. I've used it. No withdrawals etc, no arrhythmia, no elevated blood pressure or adrenaline levels. I personally know people who have a harder time trying to quit cigs... they use ganja occasionally without ever being addicted to it. No rage when there's none etc...

again, i know that it should be consumed with moderation due to how it may lead you to a false level of comfort and render you less productive, but personally i feel that it's just a fun smoke every once in a while.

I believe that age is only slightly relevant to maturity, so imho putting an age limit on it is balderdash...

as for people who are indeed in pain, if it allows them allay those feelings, then i believe by all means they should be allowed access to it.

I don't live in the US, but looking at headlines and how the general culture is portrayed, i would say that ganja is the least dangerous substance there is. I mean those pharmaceutical drugs have proven to be more ruinous to people's lives than ganja... seriously looking at the history of ganja, cigs, and drug use (starting with opium and it's derivative), who wouldn't think that it's all these medical and tobacco MNC's doing?

all in all, if it improves your quality of life, then why not?
It goes without saying that it would be better to forgo all the above altogether, but compared to tobacco and alcohol, ganja is chemically proven to be less ruinous for you...


RE: medical marijuana - Maryl - 06-20-2010 12:55 PM

The effect of marihuana is different on people.
And some people do get addictive to it. Not physically but mentally.
I've used it too and for me it didn't work right. Because I felt really insecure that time, I started to feel horrible. So I quit.
It's okay if you use it every once in a while, just as long as you aren't hurting other people and f up your own life. But that's the way you handle it, I think =O ..??I live in the Netherlands and here it's almost normal if you use it.

For medical reasons I think it's good. It's just a plant =P ..
And it could really help you. Just think about heroine and all the other stuff. There are indeed more other medications that ruin your life.

RE: medical marijuana - Général_Argos - 06-20-2010 04:27 PM

marijuana is illegal because pharmaceuticals corporations want to sell their calming pills duh

RE:??medical marijuana - Iced Blue - 06-20-2010 04:42 PM

Maryl Wrote:The effect of marihuana is different on people.
And some people do get addictive to it. Not physically but mentally.
I've used it too and for me it didn't work right. Because I felt really insecure that time, I started to feel horrible. So I quit.

My dad and his wife smoke it more then once a day. Im not sure if its a mental thing for them or purely habit from when they grew up. My mom uses it to calm down and sleep if she's having a really stressful time.

Ive tried it a few times, and I dont like it. Gives me a nasty headache. My husbands step dad cant even tolerate the smell without getting some kind of headache or nausous feeling.

Actually, I dont know why im posting this. It seems off topic a bit. Icon_suprised

RE: medical marijuana - mahawirasd - 06-20-2010 08:43 PM

yeah, i get what you're saying Maryl and iced, different trees from different spots produce different smells etc...



RE: medical marijuana - The Legendary Joe - 06-20-2010 09:18 PM

Medical Marijuana was voted in and made perfectly legal in my state.??So long as you have the proper credentials on your person,??you are legally allowed to have Marijuana on your person 24/7/365 in the state of Michigan.

I was one of the people that helped vote that in. I believe that everything has the potential to be good in moderation. Laws were set in place to??prevent people from using them??either because A: they thought that Marijuana was a product of devil worshipping cultists,??B: they saw how completely deirious someone who is completely stoned is, and don't want their kids to see, be around, or assotiate with them, or C: All of the aforementioned.

If people didn't like to Smoke to excess, or Abuse both their body with those trippy substances,??I don't think those laws would be in place. But, at the same time, life is fun and you should enjoy it while you're still living. Let them smoke pot!