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Recent jump in ban activity... - Printable Version

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Recent jump in ban activity... - Sakurato - 06-24-2010

As someone pointed out to me over msn..there has been a HUGE jump in bans for botting and server advertisement and even overall jerks though the jerks are mostly temp bans :<.

What I'm asking is who else thinks this is related to the new found positions on the top 100 sites ? Kind of an ODD coincidence hmmm? HeRO jumps to the teens and all of a sudden we got bots all over ;o.

RE: Recent jump in ban activity... - Serenity - 06-24-2010

Definitely related. New players trying to find a quick way to make money. Being at the top has its advantages, as well as disadvantages.

RE: Recent jump in ban activity... - TPC - 06-24-2010

I think a major factor is also that one or two of the newer GMs do bot checks a lot more often than the older ones does.

RE: Recent jump in ban activity... - bugaboo - 06-24-2010

It can't be helped; there will be bots on every server.??I'd rather we remain near the top of the lists in hopes of attracting new actual players than stop voting and allowing ourselves to fall into anonymity.

Botters can be dealt with.??But without a relatively steady stream of players, the server can't thrive nearly as much as it deserves to.

RE: Recent jump in ban activity... - Aaronock - 06-24-2010

Yah look at Azote and Vanadis, they are like super bot killers.

RE:??Recent jump in ban activity... - Sakurato - 06-24-2010

L. Malady Wrote:It can't be helped; there will be bots on every server.??I'd rather we remain near the top of the lists in hopes of attracting new actual players than stop voting and allowing ourselves to fall into anonymity.

Botters can be dealt with.??But without a relatively steady stream of players, the server can't thrive nearly as much as it deserves to.

you are right. The server will thrive with this new found spot on the charts. Thrive in bot revenue.


RE: Recent jump in ban activity... - Aaronock - 06-24-2010

Well we'll see if the GM's are able to handle the new flux of players, they have over the summer months done so before.

I'm sure they can handle it again.

RE: ??Recent jump in ban activity... - azurerogue - 06-24-2010

Sakurato Wrote:IMMO HEARTS FOR ALL D<!

Yes please.

RE:??Recent jump in ban activity... - Namine - 06-24-2010

TPC Wrote:I think a major factor is also that one or two of the newer GMs do bot checks a lot more often than the older ones does.

Or because the current CP makes bot check that much easier compare to manually @who3-ing everyone then recording who's only a vender by hand, along with some bureaucratic simplification to make the work easier, which is all a very good sign.

RE: Recent jump in ban activity... - Kari Nogashi - 06-24-2010

honestly i know most of the new jerks probably came from top 100 to state my source i was leader of a gild that broke international barriers by going to servers in russia america mexico germany and hungry i think thats how you spell it. the guild : The MOB ( stands for Mean Old Bastards) and belive it or not we had 13 members. objective: ruining wholesome and fun servers through assery. target list: top 100 site. and we managed to get all of our members banned on over 20 servers before we broke up.