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Clip of the week - Printable Version

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Clip of the week - Jubei - 04-22-2006

Ok, i find a lot of awesome videos on the web, and often post it in different threads.??I thought id just post em all in one thread.??Ill prolly post one every saturday or sunday, or whenever i find something awesome thats a must see! n.n

Week of April 21:??

Lightsaber dual!

Eskimo fishing

15 years ago...

Week of April 28

Cat, im a kitty cat!

Dont let your cat near the fan

rwakin kitty!

RE: Clip of the week - Motenai_Ronin - 04-22-2006

sweet. convincing, they know their special fx. cept i don't think i've ever seen a yellow lightsaber ever used before.

RE: Clip of the week - Ultima_Pi - 04-22-2006

Ahh...nerd-dom at it's best.

RE: Clip of the week - Manifus - 04-22-2006

damn I was so sure the bad guy would win Icon_cry

RE:??Clip of the week - Ryxingeir - 04-22-2006

Motenai_Ronin Wrote:sweet. convincing, they know their special fx. cept i don't think i've ever seen a yellow lightsaber ever used before.
Actually Plo Koon used a yellow lightsaber (he was in Jedi Power Battles, PS1, and was the Jedi that got his fighter blown up during the Jedi exterminations - which they had to do because there's no other way Storm Troopers could have killed him, he was hard core enough light side that he could use force lightning n_n )

And from what i saw of the clip, yeah it was pretty well done, must have taken a while to coreograph n_n

RE: Clip of the week - Motenai_Ronin - 04-23-2006

@manifus, i think the bad guy did win, if you interpret that the guy holding the red lightsaber is a bad guy. and plus the last guy standing wore a different colored shirt than the dude with the blue lightsaber, aside from the fact they're prob the same dude/twins.
ps- granted since yellow lightsaber is jedi color, one could interpret that the first 2 were both jedis, then their fighting would have no point, that the dude with the red one was the sith and set the two jedi's up to kill each other

@rxy - about the force lightning, i also thot it was a sith-only power, yes i saw yoda block and deflect the force lightning, but i have only seen siths use it (aka Palpatine, and then Darth Tyrannus) does light side force lightning differ from dark side force lightning, if what you say is true?

*nerd plug hee. i'd be really surprised if given a direct answer to these speculations. heh.

RE:??Clip of the week - Ryxingeir - 04-23-2006

Motenai_Ronin Wrote:@rxy - about the force lightning, i also thot it was a sith-only power, yes i saw yoda block and deflect the force lightning, but i have only seen siths use it (aka Palpatine, and then Darth Tyrannus) does light side force lightning differ from dark side force lightning, if what you say is true?

*nerd plug hee. i'd be really surprised if given a direct answer to these speculations. heh.
From what i remember (and it's been a really long time, lol) there is simply 'force lightning' not dark/light - well the reference i have of Plo Koon is from the Playstation Game, so they could have given him that just for the sake of the game but i really don't know, since they really didn't show him much in the movie.??If he really did/does have force lightning, i'd guess his ability to use it is related to his not being human *nods*

Manifus Wrote:damn I was so sure the bad guy would win Icon_cry
Wait, the bad guy didn't win? o.O

RE: Clip of the week - Manifus - 04-23-2006

Depends your prospective of bad Icon_razz

RE: Clip of the week - tickyhead - 04-23-2006

if you meant the badASS guy, then yes, he should have won. Icon_sad That was so frelling cheap of that evil sith jerk Icon_evil

RE: Clip of the week - GM-Feith - 04-23-2006

viva adobe after effects!

great movie!