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*A new challenger is approaching!* - Printable Version

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*A new challenger is approaching!* - Damos123 - 09-13-2010 08:02 PM

hello everyone. this is Damos. I just found out my name is already taken D:< so im trying to come up with another name to play in game. I know i want to play two different characters, one for support and another for hunting. unfortunately, i cant seem to decide which classes I should play. they all seem so good, you know? (well, except gunslingers... XD!)

I like Ragnarok (duh), jogging, yugioh TCG, chow mein box noodles, and Gurren Lagann. I can only play right now on borrowed internets, so i cant play reliably. but i love talking to others in main. if you see me in game, friend me! I'm a great guy!

ah... or so they say!

RE: *A new challenger is approaching!* - Avalon_Fates - 09-13-2010 10:04 PM

Welcome to heRO~
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is a great anime besides its ending #_#. Yu-Gi-Oh is awesome??and RO is as well. You have good taste~

RE: *A new challenger is approaching!* - Shikari - 09-13-2010 10:10 PM


nyahaha I have an insect/plant deck. anyways... have fun ._.

RE: *A new challenger is approaching!* - Child of Bodom - 09-14-2010 05:08 PM

This drill is a drill to pierce the heavens~~~
Welcome and enjoy your stay!
I play a Final/exodia deck

RE: *A new challenger is approaching!* - Damos123 - 09-14-2010 08:24 PM

thanks guys. I myself play six samurai. it's far from perfect, but if I bought some cards online, im sure it could kick ass. as it stands, its a newb killer, but it wouldnt stand a chance agianst any of the newer competitive decks.

Ah, gurren lagann. man I love that show. I draw inspiration from it everyday. I mean, really, im a fan of anime in general, but gurren lagann had the most powerful effect on me, psychologically. nowdays, i cant go jogging without putting its theme song on repeat, blaring full volume in my ears.

As far as ragnarok is concerned, i like trying out alternate strategies. the game is most fun for me when im experimenting with builds, coming up with new strategies, and testing them out. In particular, i really enjoyed making a VIT/AGI hybrid crit monk and a suicide reflector paladin the last time I played, and that was a year and a half ago. you can usually find me hunting items for something or other crazy weird build, but hey, maybe one might work. who knows?

RE: *A new challenger is approaching!* - Shikari - 09-14-2010 08:34 PM

Damos, you should see my insect/plant deck, its so f--ked up, over half the monsters are 5+ stars xD

RE: *A new challenger is approaching!* - Damos123 - 09-14-2010 08:54 PM

yeah, i can imagine it, thanks to that lonefire blossom. special summon ANY plant for your deck? yes please!

I actually run him and gigaplant in my gemini deck made mostly from that structure deck. with a superalloy beast raptinus on the field (effect: all gemini's effects are active, continuous), i can set up a situation that is nearly impossible to recover from. even worse with a starlight road facedown.

RE: *A new challenger is approaching!* - Shikari - 09-14-2010 09:03 PM

I dont use lonefire =p, nor superalloys. Don't need em.

RE: *A new challenger is approaching!* - mahawirasd - 09-14-2010 11:15 PM

*inserts more coins*

customs info etc are in the forums and wiki.

hmm, maybe people would be very receptive of a yugioh TCG thread, coz even the MTG thread seems to be collecting dust again...

GL and HF!


RE: *A new challenger is approaching!* - RevenantD - 09-16-2010 12:00 PM

Yeah, picking a good name is hard for me. i just switched to this one. i aint gonna make another thread, that would be kinds dumb.

yeah, maybe a YGO thread would be a good idea! I might make one if one isnt made yet